Creatime How Shall I Take It

I’m pretty sure there have been no long-term studies on the effects of creatine. Never have heard that it would or could break down muscle fibers? If she claimed that, wouldn’t it make sense for her to explain her reasoning for such a claim?

yeah she was kind of an air head anyways… she would start one thing and never finish it. IT kinda pisses me off cuz i wana know the exact things she found out and why

I would then take into account what she says with some questions if this is how she explains herself… To sum it up, creatine is not bad for you.

once I stop taking creatine how long does it take for my body to return to normal creatine levels (pre-creatine)day?week?month? ignoring creatine intake from food (meat,etc).

I was reading about creatine, and the website said your body has to maintain a daily level of creatine in circulation (not in the muscles) so it varies the amount it produces accordingly. Does this mean that the ingested creatine does lower your bodys in circulation creatine, but raises your muscles amount of creatine, and also both (creatine in muscles, and in circulation) returns to normal in a day (same question as begining)?