Cramping when using EMS

I was using EMS for strength purposes on my calves, and I only went a little past level 2(it goes to 10) and I didnt feel an intense contraction, but I felt a pretty strong pain…like part of my calf was cramping up. I just did 5 reps 10 seconds w/ 50 sec rest interval…and my calves are sore as hell now.

Does what I explained indicate a problem?

you possably have knotts in your calfs - and seeing as you have a lot of lower leg problems over the last couple of yrs, i would not be supprised.
does your machine also have TENS function? use that function to loosen them calfs for awhile perhaps, as well as self massage.

you could also have been dehydrated??, its been getting hot lately

seeing as the machine was on pretty low settings, i would say 90% that you have tightenss issues that need to removed? extra water might help as part of that too?

It’s normal for those who have calf problems.

Nah no TENS function

Darn…stretching just doesn’t do me any good then…ive stretched a lot the past few weeks.

I can never feel a strong stretch in my calves…even when I reach the limit of my ROM I just dont feel a stretch really. It’s so weird

Anyways…would continuing to do EMS like that be okay? or is it pointless really…

I remember using it on setting 4-5 a year ago…but i had to have been even tighter…but i was sitting with my feet flat on the ground then…this time i was lying down…w/e i guess

try doing your stretches on a calf raise machine. stack up the weight, then hold for 4-5 sec then do a rep etc for 10ish reps. just half a rep is fine, just load the weight up.
massage, lots of massage too

could have been your Pads placement too?

Buy some oil and massage your own calves or pay someone else to do it. It may take a week or two to sort out but it will be worth it.

Matt, I’ll rub some oil all over your calves for free. :cool:

i would only ever use EMS for mild pulsing on the calves as they will always roll up (cramp) if the input is high.

Would you work the muscles in a lengthened or shortened state or mix it up?

E.g., EMS on the quads would the knee be extended and the hip flexed? I always read that there is a better development of isometrics when the muscle is in a lengthen state?


Hmmm okay…well how hard should I massage? I can massage to the point of almost unbearable pain…is that too far?

i try to massage slowely and deeply, so as to avoid that pain. if you create pain, your muscles tenses, thereby not creating the desired effect.
an eg might be,
eating a chicken
if you rip at it fast bits of muscle get ripped off all over the place
v’s slowly pulling the leg off, you can make sure only the leg comes off and not half the breast along with it. if you pull too lightly, you wont get the leg off, but do it hard yet slow and controlled, it comes off clean.

this Helps also to stop bruising.

Hmm okay I get what you’re saying…

I can’t get my hamstrings though…you have any ideas to really work with them?

get somebody else to do it:D
sit on the Edge of a chair - easier to get into hammie
use a ball and roll on it.

I agree with bold. Get someone else to do it. Make it happen:) .