Correlation between broad and vertical jump

Is anyone aware of a solid mathmatical correlation between an athletes broad jump and vertical jump. I know those with the best vertical and broad jump arer most explosive and have the typically have the best 40 times. Thanks

To say people with the best verticla have the best 40 is making a correlation between those two, when there isn’t really one. 40 times have a lot of factors to consider…

Look at the combine results for lineman with 40 inch verts and 9-10 ft long jumps, and look at their 40 times, compared to DBs/WRs.

Geezus, it appears no one understands what a correlation is here.

Yes there is a correlation between the two, how strong is debateable, probably a moderate correlation is a safe bet.

Define a strong equation? I’m sure if you took enough data points you could make a decent equation depending on the factors you wish to incorperate, but with moderate correlations you are not going to get an equation that is going to get you to the exact inch mark an athlete should jump to.

2007 combine results

Compare for yourself