I would say that program is not what a beginner like you would want to do. I would recommend 1 week of tempo and medballs only, then introduce speed over a couple weeks, then introduce weights over a couple more weeks, then introduce plyos. Over a long period of time. There is no rush and you already seem to have a solid strength background. You will need to acclimate your body to the demands of maximal speed work slowly so you can stay healthy and reap the benefits of long-term, consistent practice. Consider starting your sprints, when you introduce them, on hills to reduce the eccentric shock to the body and help naturally create solid form. 10m is enough at the start, and increase the distance over time. Once you become comfortable with 40-50m hills, you can start to integrate flat land sprints, starting again at 10m. As you approach SPP, after a 10+ week GPP, I would say that 500m of speed is definitely the max you would want to perform, most likely less.