Hey there,
I haven’t looked in detail through the link, but I did look at the first workout in week 1 of the first mesocycle, and they have you running out to 20, 30, and 40 metres five times each at a pretty high intensity. That doesn’t sound like such a good idea for someone without a sprint background. However, there are others here that will have a much better ability to comment on the specifics of the program.
I think it’s important to mention that since you have no background in sprinting, you could do all the GPP stuff, but if you don’t have good technique, you may be creating a lot of technical problems for yourself in the longer term even if you are getting faster.
Charlie’s GPP download is outstanding. It is logical, and many of the exercises require minimal correction. I think you’d be wise to invest in it regardless. Don’t expect a cookie cutter solution though, everyone is different and the volumes need to be adjusted for each individual. Once you get the basic principles, people here can help you tweak the volume.
Where are you located? Maybe someone here knows a good coach in your area. Do you have a track club nearby?
What I’m getting at is that it’s really hard as a brand new track athlete to execute a GPP all by yourself. There is a ton of volume, and many new movements to learn and for this reason you really do need someone to supervise your workouts. If you’re able to, spend the money and do it right the first time. If you learn the correct technique from the start, nobody has to undo your bad habits- that can be a nightmare!