Coach to Sprinter: "I want you to lower your arm stroke to bring your knees up"


The last High School meet of the season, “The BorderDuel”, which has the top High School track athletes from Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, was yesterday. My daughter ran the open 400m and did well.

Track practice ended 2 weeks ago after she finished at Regionals.
For the past 2 weeks I have had her working to the workouts she did last year.
This meet still counts as a High School meet, and part of the 2012 season.

A cool day in Portland, Oregon and of course, it started raining before the 400m race, a big downpour up until the seconds before the race started.

My daughter in lane #6, running in the open 400m race:

She has learned alot just from this race, such as:

Even though she angled her blocks towards the inside of the lane (she proudly says “coach Tony Veney taught me that”) She needs to make sure she comes straight out of the blocks, as she came out shooting towards the outside of the lane and had to reposition.

At the first 100m point she started to slow down, she said she thought she got too far out front and was going to pace herself with the other girls…she ended up having to try to catch up instead.

If anyone can see things that need help with, please feel free to post.

This was a very good race for her, she said she felt stronger running through the second turn and felt she had more left after the turn and…

She bested her previous PR by a Half second.

She ran 59.47, trying beat her High School’s freshman record of 59.11, as this meet counted as a High School meet in season.

She is very happy with her time and is looking forward to summer AAU/USATF track to see if she can keep up with the PR’s.

Except for the 2 meets that she was feeling lethargic because of running the previous day/days, she has PR’ed in every consecutive open 400m race this year:

1:01.17a April 7

1:00.70 April 26

1:02.82 April 28 (2 days earlier: PR’ed in open 400m, ran 4x100m, 4x400m, open 200m. felt lethargic for this meet)

1:00.40 May 3

1:00.35 May 11

59.92 May 18 State Regional

1:01.64 May 19 State Regional Final(PR’ed 17 hours earlier, the previous day, less than 7 hours sleep, felt lethargic, no energy)

59.47 June 2

fantastic effort by your girl. you must be bursting with pride… :smiley:

I trust she will get into some shorter races this summer as well.

Yes, the workout I’m using is 100/200m orientated, and she ran the open 100m, 4 x 100m, and open 200m as well during school.

At the BorderDuel meet she only qualified in the 400m.

She is going to get a whole lot of sprinting this summer and see if we can reverse the decline that her 100m/200m sprints suffered from the beginning of the school season to the end…
Her 100/200m speed consistantly slowed with each meet during the school year, while each time she ran the 400m she PR’ed…

Her first 400m race was’nt until halfway through the season, and she didn’t get to run the open 400m again, until 3 weeks later, all during this time from the first meet on, her 100m and 200m times were getting slower?

The last couple times she ran the 100/200m it brought her to tears, she was worried she was getting slower… I assured her she was fine…