I did a long warmup and when i started streching my right ham was tight as hell.
I got loose after about a 45 min warmup. But i could still feel it.
Did 4x30 out of blocks in 4.07,4.00,3.97,3.84
stopped practice after that. Didnt want to risk pulling the hammie
8/26 was supposed to get massage but my guy forgot about my appointment. I would have been mad but he is hooking me up for 30 dollars.
I ve was out of commission for 3 weeks due to sloght ham pull.
I also have not been posting in my journal so now i begin again.
4x30 blocks 4.2,4.1,3.9,4.0 times were slow. I made a adjustment from the 4.1 30 and the3.9. I pumped my arms more out of the blocks and my time dropped amazin.
2x 60 meter flys
6.5 and 6.1 :wow: damn i was rolling. In the first 60 i had no knee lift. the second one ii felt as if i was hopping down the track.
weight room
deadlift 6x225 5x275 4x315
stiff leg dead 6x95, 5x115, 4x135
Push press 8x95 6x115 4x135
arnold press 3x5 55
standing leg curls 8x80 6x100 5x110
Back hypers 3x6 with 10 pounds
reverse leg press 2x6 100
on tuesday went to this seminar on active isolation stretching
wenesday had a migrain couldnt move all day
Today i did some tempo work
5x100 on grass 15 pushups 30 situps inbetween runs
Did chest in the weight room. 185x8 225x5 245x4 225x5 bench
incline 135x10 185x6 205x 3 225x2
week of oct 13
Mon had to get car insurance no practice
tues did tempo work, 4x300 and 5 x100 on grass
Wed 300 meter splits, first set 200=24.75, 100=12.05 36 sec 300
I found out later that i had ran 110 meters so i really ran about 11.05
on the second set after 20 min break i ran the 200 in 26.00 i think that i got cold, but i was also still a little tired. 100 was run in 12.6. 38 sec 300 good time im pleased.
weightsroom- bench 185x6, 225x5, 245x4, 250x3
Incline-155x10000, 185x6,205x4, 225x2
tricept press down and close grip bench
Oct 27-29
Mon i did 2x30 flys and 2x30 starts. tried to time but it was dark.
2x60 flys and 2x60 starts. felt good.
weight room. Deadlft, stiff dead. push press, leg curl, arnold press, med ball situps.
TUes- rain
Wed 2x 200 12 min break. first 2 was 24.00 and 24.6. decent times.
did stading jumps 2 sets with vest and 2 without vest. I also did 3x30 meters.
5x300 on grass 15 pushups and 30 situps in between each set.
weight room
Bench-185x8, 225x6, 245x3, 275x3
incline- 135x8, 185x6 205x5, 225x3
tricep press downs
close grip bench
Mon nov 3
3x 20 meter flys felt good. I hate practicing alone, no timer or anyone to critique form.
2x 200 meters. felt good also. too dark to time myself.
6x standing triple jumps. 3 with 20 pound vest and 3 without
weight room
deadlift 6x225 5x275 4x315 2x375
stiff 3x5x135
push press 8x95 6x115 4x135
arnold press 3x6 60
reverse hypers 3x8
wed rain.
Thur .
3x20 meter flys 30meter run up
1x30 out of blocks2x60 1x100 no blocks. Ran 11.3i wanted to go 10.9 but i noticed i was chillin by the middle of the 100. decent time for chillin. Plyos
weight room
squat 6x135 6x185 6x225 4x275 3x315
hang clean 3x3 135
power 3x135 3x155 2x175
snatch 2x3x115
3x20 meter flys
3x20 blocks
2x30 blocks
2x50 blcoks
speed day
3x20meter flies with 30 meter runups
2x30 meters no blocks. I ran 3.63 and 3.88. my pb in the 30 with blocks is 3.67
2x30 with blocks. no one to time me
2x55with blocks. I felt real good. I should be on point for my fisrt meet.
6x185, 5x225, 4x275, 3x315, 2x335
hang cleans 3x4x135
power 3x135 3x155 2x185
snatch 2x3x135
6x100 15 pushups and 30 situps in between each hundred
It was on a outdoor track. I was running pretty fast. I would say around 85-90%. I was not tired after i ran. That s why i think i could have gone faster.