Chris6878's journal.

today I hit the gym at 10 AM because I didn’t know if the rain would let up
3x5 oh squat. just the bar
5x5x285 dead lift. I had more lifts but I stopped there just incase For the track workout out

Hit track at 630pm
3x10 bs, 3x30 bs
2x60m 20m Fast easy. I ran 7.3 on both runs. much slower than my last few 60m runs
1x120m 13.6 I ran the exact same time the last time I ran a 120. This time it was very easy. The last time I was dizzy and tired. THis time I was able to turn around and walk back
5x5 hurdle hops.
THe last time I did this same practice I cramped up during the hurdle hops.