Took wed and thurs off
Fri 4/23
1x200 flats 5min rest
4x100 30 m accel. spikes
med ball
overhead x5 superman x5 pit jumps x3 and plat jumps onto highjump mat x 5
stretch home
Didnt run.
I am having an issue with my inner ham groin area. I can sprint but it is very sore.
I took fri and sat off.
I ran sunday. I felt the muscle but it wasnt too bad just tight.
3x20 bs
3x60 bs
2x60 standing
The workout was great. When I got to the standing 60’s I had to back off. THe muscle was feeling tender.
Home and epsolm salt.
Did a lot of ice and heat and eplsom salt and streatching over the weekend. It seemd to have paid off. Hams still sore but not too bad at all.
10x100 tempo
80 standing
all bstarts except for 80, I planned for 2x80 but i miss measured the first 80 and ran 90.
weight room
I have been able to get a good squat day in in 2.5 weeks
sq-8x135,5x225,3x275, 2x3x365
hclean 2x4x135, 2x3x185
from 135 to 275 was just warm ups for me to test my ham