Chris6878's journal.

tempo and weights
weights- bp 3,3,2,2,2- 205,225,225,245,245
pull down-8,7,7 155,165,165
120 pushups

Taking a needed recovery week. Just gonna lighten the work load a little.
Today I just did some lock starts working on form. No real set plan. I think i did about 6x20 3x30 1x40 bs.
Weight room
pclean-3,2,2 185,205,205
squat-4,4 315
good morning-8,8 135
legs have been feeling tight and sore for the last few weeks. I need to get some therapy bad. gonna try this week.

speed day
2x30 stand
2 sets of 20,30,40,50 bs
plyos x 5
super man, overhead throw, sand pit jumps, i also did the jumps on the highjump mat from the gpp vid

pclean-3,3,2,2,2 185,205,225,225,225
stiff dead-3x6x225

I bet your lower back is stiff as hell!!

lol Yea I was walking funny after the workout. The next day my hams were pretty sore.

Tempo 11/30
bp-3,3,2,2,2 185,205,225,245,255
pull down 8,8,7,7
row same
Abs and push ups inbetween sets

Get your weights up son! :rolleyes:

Dont worry. I almost broke my coller bone a few years back. That took my bench from 330 to 135. ITs coming back.

How much you bench now?

Dont know havent maxed out since. Im guessing with a spot for lift off about 285

Does that really make a huge deal, spot for lift off?

It does for me atleast psychologically. IT just seems easier to me.

Maybe I should give it a try, I never use a spotter. If I go down with it I’m coming up with it.

Yea Well put something on that you aint tried in a looong time and see

Tried to do a spec end day. It didnt go as planned
Started warming up. Legs felt decent not too bad. when I was stretchin i noticed my quads, calfs hams twtching. I spiked up and did about 4 20s and a couple 30s. each one was terrible. I said screw it and went to the spec end. Planned on doing a 300. It turned into a 250m tempo run. I felt like ass. legs sore, flat no power nothing. I then decided to rest and run a 150…even worse. I called it a night after that and went home. cns fatigued had killed me.

HUH? I thought you were coming off an unload week? Seems like you been torch lately.

Yea I was coming off one. I dont know what happened. Our workout sunday me and my partner were going at it hard. Then We killed the plyos and the weight room. I guess that killed us cause he was beatup too. He stopped at 200 meters and said screw it. lolI think we need some therapy.

Been out of commission for a few days. Got food poisoning on 12/3. Koed me for about 3 days. Did tempo yesterday and hit the weights
bp 3,2,2,2 225,245,245,255
rows and abs.

First fast day after being sick. Times were slow. Felt and looked sluggish.
4x30 bs

weight room
hang clean-4,3,3,2 135,185,185,205
My partner was pcleaning. He got passed 225 but couldnt get 245. I went to try it after doing my cleans and got it pretty easily. I was quite dizzy afterwards.
squat6,5,4,4 225,315,385,385
good morning3x8x135

How much has your strength numbers increased so far?