no. you can have 2 days…BUT NOT 4. that’s what you were trying to do, have 4 hard days. 3 max and spread them out with a recovery/regen. day b/t them.
i think i got it like this?
Acceleration Development Phase
Mon. Speed(full recovery)
Acc.Dev.:30meter@95% 4x6
flying 60meter@95% 3x4
One-legged jumps
Tues. Recovery
100meter@75% 10 reps
200meter@75% 5 reps
Acc.Dev.:30meter@95% 4x6
flying 60meter@95% 3x4
depth jumps 2x5
Thur. tempo
Fri. hill runs(can i taper weights fri. )
Sat. rest
Sun. rest
Why are all your sprints done at 95%?
becuase of cft book