Charlie in Boston


I do not know how to get ahold of you - i have a few questrions about stuff that was not covered in Boston do to time constraints, and I was curious to know how we could receive this info.

If you like you can email me at

Hope you enjoyed your flight back to Toronto while I drove for 9 hours.

Ask your questions here.


We did not get to the recovery and regeneration portion.

Also last year I had a few athletes with achilies problems - how can I avoid this and what is a good way to train during this problem.

As we move through the phases how much do you drop in total speed volume?

This year I am coaching two seperate teams and have to put one group to a mon wed sat program and I was wondering should I do two tempo sessions back to back for Thursday and Friday? Or what do you recommend?

With recovery and regeneration, you have to look from the very start of the program. In other words, how can most of the issues be avoided in the first place in the new season. How much work can be done on the grass while the weather is still good? Can you identify the exercises seemed to be involved with most of the problems?
List the speed volume used and the age of the athletes so we can determine when and how much the speed volume should drop at the end of the period. (I’d prob leave out the Friday tempo session for now)

Are HRMs of any use for athlete monitoring?
Do you ever monitor heart rates for symptons of overtraining - or is it essentially too late at this stage?

I don’t see any use as heart rate is a very poor indicator of workload for sprinters. You could monitor resting HR and temperature first thing on rising although the degree of fluctuation is a bit tricky to judge. It’s unlikely the muscular system will be pushed beyond the training status indicated by fairly obvious CNS signs, such as poor concentration, irritability, eye-lids flickering etc.

erase me plz

Thank you charlie,

We work on grass completelyt until the clocks go back one hour.

Speed work volume in phase 1 is 600-700 do we drop volume and increase rest as season progress?

What would you have the group do on Friday’s before Satudray’s hill sessions? Being that they are doing tempo on Thursday? Or should I have them take Friday off and do Tempo on Sunday?

Dropping speed volume throughout the phase will cause the athletes to have a very narrow peak. The volume can remain constant, once the peak has been reached till late in the phase, immediately prior to competition. I’d keep at least the tempo portion of your workouts outside on grass even past the time change and I’d reserve Fri for cals and flexibility work. One of the tempo sessions could be moved to Sun to stay with warmer conditions earlier in the day- but not as an extra session.

Thanks Charlie

What are cals?

Also I was not implying lowering the volume within phase - what I meant was from phase to phase do we lower

I think he means calistenics.

The weekly volume will remain the same, though the overall vol per phase will drop only because the phases tend to get shorter in a triple periodization plan.