CF vs Pfaff - CF wins hands down

This is sad but true. Hopefully they will give Charlie a pardon at Bejing in 2008 :stuck_out_tongue: . I’d say 20 years worth of lost potential is long enough!

I don’t know if he was in a rush to mention me but the L’Equipe guy (forgot which one) called me and said that when they caught up with him for an interview, they noticed that he was carrying a copy of CFTS with him and they asked him about it.

Thanks but no thanks! Been there, done that! Now it’s your turn. If I can help, great!

9.79, 9.78, 9.77

We are talking about the same story :wink: I told him that a lot of coaches around use the CFTS

and WTF Asafa is doing with his power training (this scientist probably doesn’t know he has World leadership in specific power jumping and throwing tests

For the sake of knowing everything
do you know the actual tests and performances???

I really don’t like this and coming from Billat, why do they try to analyse and box everything with mathematical models? I’ve seen it in other areas -with no success by the way- and now again. You are dealing with humans, after all and such models are generalisations, I suppose
 And not accurate ones sometimes by the looks of it

Pierrejean, I read a L’Equipe in June (its a bit hazy in my memory now) where someobody, who preferred to remain anonymous, criticised the effect Charlie’s technical work had on Marion. Any idea who that was?

I can’t remember which article you are refering to. Anyway, if this person wants to remain anonymous i can’t give his/her name anyway.

You need to remember that there are lawsuits flying around and Marion Isn’t suing ME.
I had enough experience with Marion to know that she was a delight to work with, tried her very best at all times, and was training at times under the 60m world record in SPP1 until her pregnancy progressed to the point where she had to suspend high intensity work. Number 2 can verify what I’m saying and he has it on film as well. You can read her remarks about me in her book:
To my delight, he was focused to the point of obsession on the minutest details of sprinting. He had computor programs (No2 actually- CF) that digested reams of data to decipher what your angles should be according to your body type at each separate meter of a race. He would film us and analyse our positions, sometimes sitting up all night so that he’d be ready with the correct advice in the morning session
 We had a good raport, but he and Tim really saw eye to eye and spent ages discussing the techie details. We got to know his wife and young son too, since sometimes Charlie would invite us home for dinner- she was a truly excellent cook!”
There are those out there who would like you to believe that Marion, as a multi- Olympic and World Champion isn’t able to discern who’s telling her the straight goods about sprinting and who’s not.
As for her more recent difficulties, some of you may not know that Marion suffered a severely fractured foot while playing Basketball in College that required surgery to put in a large pin (she has very long, thin bones). During the pregnancy process, the same pregnancy hormone that allow the hips to spread also allow ligaments to stretch everywhere, including the foot.
The usual flat footed issue all women face after childbirth is compounded by the repositionning of the pin and resultant discomfort.
Restoring the arch in her case is very difficult because the usual tactic I’d employ- EMS- cannot be used around metal implants, as using EMS can lead to necrosis of the bone surrounding the pin. Her loss of foot elasticity on the side with the pin has led to a series of Quad strains, as the normal foot action off the ground that initiates the return is missing. She needs alot of rehab work to restore the arch before her problems can clear up.
This has been my suspicion all along and this was confirmed by Dr Mike Prebeg, who treated her at the Nationals this year.
I haven’t had the opportunity to speak to her directly about this as she has been in a very difficult position, though she has sent cards for Christmass and Birthdays etc. A very fine person, in my experience, who doesn’t deserve the abuse she’s gone through!

I’d say :eek: ! That girl was flying
Tim too! Can’t say I’ve seen the human body move so fast in person!!!

Billat is world-wide known especially in her work on VO2 max and brang interesting theories in a way they broke the former ones.
However, she has proved her limits talking about sprinting

re-Marion : debate D.Pfaff vs CF here we go :slight_smile:
Don’t get me into it.
More than a calendar year is needed to be back to someone’s level from maternity in sprints, 2 years for 400m, 6 month for High Jump. The problem was double : too high goals for her too soon in 2004 leading to deceiving - for her - results, and the harrasment of media. Taking in account of these 2 elements, her comeback in 2004 was excellent to me (season best 11.04 ten months and one week after delivery, and 7.20-7.30 long jump to the board at OT). Now Marion makes the mistake to move from coaches to coaches, how can she build a serious program

Yes, as you know Randy, both were under the WR over 60m at that time.

Under!?!’re being kind. They were set to put it out of reach
way out a reach.

Thanks for that very interesting but evryone knows scandal and innuendo is better for media ratings than facts :rolleyes:

Given Marion and in particular Tim’s in depth knowledge can you see them getting into coaching?
(sorry not fully up to date with his ‘status’)

The pay’s a tad low!!

I am quite familiar with her work, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about “modelling” everything

As to your second point, people should rather stick to their specialty and let others of same, if not higher, calibre practise theirs IMO!

A different take on it

I am not sure what you do not understand?
I do not know if you attended either conference (I suspect not)!
I do not even know if you have ever attended one of Charlie’s conferences (I suspect not)?
But yet you insist on discussing something you did not experience.

The Ontario mentor coach ‘report’ is still someones ‘opinion’!

The crux of the problem lay in the presenters’ (Dan Pfaff & the U of A) inability to coherently present training ideas over the four day period. It was the opinion of a number of coaches I spoke with after sessions and during breaks that we were wrongly expecting progressive ideas that we could build on with practical application.

I did not criticize Coach Pfaff on his, knowledge, experience, success, or willingness to share ideas (as he did with me on numerous occasion), but with his inability to present a clear image of training as a presenter.

I did not find Coach Pfaff’s anecdotal stories of blowing up numerous athletes amusing or endearing. I also found Coach Pfaff’s ‘Vocabulary’ of training difficult to understand and follow, especially coming from a ‘so-called country guy’. Even the Ontario mentor coach’s report had to ‘identify’ a number of terms which ‘simply meant simple things’ (so why complicate). This only added to the difficulty in following the presentation and the concepts.

That was not the case as I have stated numerous times, after attending CF’s presentation in Vancouver. The concepts and ideas created a framework, not an exacting blueprint (to be follower in every detail). There was much room for the art of coaching, and it was clear that it was the coaches’ responsibility to figure that out. But the concepts: short to long / long to short, alternation of CNS and Tempo work, importance of regeneration, vegetarian vs. carnivore, absolute limit vs. usable limit, technical model (positive vertical hip displacement / foot contact bottom dead center), avoiding paralysis by analysis (purpose for hill runs). These concepts were clear in my mind in a two day conference, and very practical.

I even had the same opinion after attending Dr. Anatoly Bondarchuk’s presentation, (even with the interpreter), his ideas were clear.

WTF, I simply provided a link to someone’s summary of the same conference that was different from the one offered on this site. The thread has evolved a little, so I used your post to help members follow along.
Get over yourself dude.