CF Intensity limit

true. but i think Some Volume is necessary.
i guess it can depend on what you have at your desposil hey. ie
you got no camera’s, no speed sensiors or anything then less volume and only 2 days wk.

if you have camera’s and or speed equipment (timing)
then i would use the speed acc zone limits as said before

or, if you do infact suffer CNS problems, then, as explained to me at the Aust Seminar, you would turn that athlete into a Long to Short prorgram instead of a Short to Long. (personally, i would go this route ove the droping the volume route) There are plenty of sub 10 guys doing or have done a Long to short.
after all, is really 300m of speed work Enough? (actual running) ie, cutting the volume in half.

i am 11 second runner, ran 11.7 electronic. Now sine i can only accel to 30m or so, i should build up to 30m in a span of 8 weeks. Do hill work and weights should go up on intensity as GPP ends? or just work the weights around the sprinting intensity?

You have the Gpp Dvd right???
If you follow that, at your level, you really should not have much of a problem as it is written.
The Gpp flows into the Spp nicely. However, you will need to adjust the Spp to your own speed. If you do S-L, then adjust your acc limits over the 12wks. Or, try a L-S maybe if your CNS cannot handle even that? How has your CNS handled previous sprint training sessions?

yeah i have a diary i can show you. From looking at it i can run intense speeds upwards of 400m within a session and be fine. I dont get injured as often even though im injury prone. I found that long to short my coach had me do got me injured more. I seem to handle short and long relatively fine.

In your case how you know the gpp volume didnt lead to your injuires?

no spikes in GPP right? just use hill work as accel development at that stage, then move to spikes and build to 30m over 8-12wks in spp?

anyone know where i can find this chart?

I am having a hard time with this because an 11.0 sprinter will accelerate 25-30m max, and that is at a pb level. Now start a new season, you aren’t quite in pb shape, let alone in peak shape workout to workout, you may have a max accel of 20m at times. I don’t really understand why you should shorten it so significantly for so long. The way I see it, by week 5, an 11.0 (or slower) sprinter should be basically fully accelerating on the 60s (full acceleration w/ relaxation, so this may only be 97-98%). A less advanced sprinter needs more work on speed/special endurance anyway and options are already limited since you cannot accelerate as far.

If I wasn’t clear in my point, let me know, but what I am trying to say is why not just run the 60s will full accel, at the novice level (basically anyone 11.0 or slower), after 3-4 weeks of SPP? Would this somehow harm top speed development or anything else?

Topcat–how have you done it with your athletes who run 7.0-7.2 in the 60m?

The only thing I can think of is trying to keep a lid on the intensity so you can go hard in the future weeks and keep steady progress.

my injury was purely related only to the Crap grass i ran on when on holidays. I have video footage from another time which shows clearly how much that grass track was affecting my strides. Basically, i was going triple extension then for 15m i could not even 1 x extend. I never used to get injured as i used to Always train on said crap grass. Then i moved, and started the Gpp-Spp as mentioned previously on Mondo only for speed and great grass for tempo.
Basically, when i was running on the grass, i felt my foot hit a Hole, my knee swung into my other knee and pop went the hammie.
Note, i will never do speed work on grass again.

What CF is trying to say with his intensity limits, is basically, dont burn yourself out too early.
if 11sec guy is burning to the max from wk 3 Spp1,(via not adjusting the acc limits) then thats 9wks off Max effort, and also His max effort will be held for over 35-40m if he is only acc out to 20-25m.
10sec guy who can acc out to 55m, he is only maxing for a couple of wk’s and even then, its only for 5 or so meters.

11sec guy will be closer to his own Pb earlier but burn out quicker as the season progresses. 10sec guy will be relatively Fresh compared to 11sec guy.

Why would he burn out earlier? There are still other variables to play with. You are still not getting maximum recovery between reps, you are in a max strength phase, you are at higher volumes (both within the workout and weekly). You can vary these, still, to continue intensification. So the next 8 weeks of spp, you slowly lower the volume, increase the rest. With 4 weeks left you start to go into maintenance weights and maximize both speed and SE with weights, etc. Then you go into your comp period.

Also, I’m not saying go full bore week 3. I am saying basically after the first 3+1 cycle, why not fully accelerate with a focus on relaxation (basically 95%)? You have realistically maximized most of the acceleration available, at this level. When you are getting into altering 2-3m, I see it very unlikely that you’re going to get much of a better effect instead of just having the athlete run at 95% because of the fact that you are assuming the athlete correctly judges, each rep, where to start accelerating correctly, that the athlete is in identical condition each day, etc.

Another thing I have a hard time understanding with the graphs is, who is it designed for? Look at splits of even some 9.8 guys they are hitting max velocity around 50m (possibly even before–bruny surin 9.84 his fastest splits were 40-50m and 50-60m). Now, if you are accelerating that far at your absolute peak, at the end of the season, how are you possibly accelerating that far in training many months before then when you are running much slower (6.5-6.6 vs 6.3x to 60m).

Yes, correct. Acc out, then concentrate on relaxation at speed and tech issues. Totally agreed. Much like the feeling from 20easy 20fast 20easy, aka, the last 20easy. Your at speed, stop acc, relax and focus on tech issues. (Arms, dorsoflexion, hip height, knee drive etc etc)

Cf works on the idea,
build up the speed
then expand upon it.
so, early in the season, as an eg, Ben might have “only” been running say 10.2?? but, his acc at the time was up to 45m-50m.
as the season progresses, and the acc zones are pushed out further, say, at the end of spp1, he can acc out to 55m or so. However, his speed endurance more than likely sucks balls and can “only” run a 10.10??.
Now that his acc is in place, its time to compete indoors - 60m.
During Spp2, Since his acc is still in place, he works on speed endurance and by the end of Spp2 his 100m time is now sub 10 during comp phase.
during spp3, he further develops his envelope of endurance and maintains his acc zone out to 55-60m. Thus, he starts running WR pace. Not becasue he continues to push out his acc, but due to speed endurance and maintaining acc he achieved earlier in the yr.

i still dont understand, can you simplify it please

so basically from what i am thinking is dont accel to much to 30m the first few weeks at SPP?

Also when you finish spp how do you maintain accel you built up, do you just do a few 30m accels every speed session before the main workout either being a maxv day or speed endurance?

is maxv worked on all throughout the spp1-3?
also it is just hard to know how far to accel, for an 11.0 sec runner just start at 10m and increaes 10m a week. so say week 1 10x10m week 2 10x20m just like hill work except with spikes in spp1?

what dont you understand??

how to progress accels is what gets me. how do you increase it week to week if your an 11.0sec runner? if you have a max of 30m to accel to deal with do you stretch it out for 3 weeks or 8 weeks like bold says? Do you do this 2 times a week or 3 tiems a week. Or do you start at 2 times a week and in spp2 do speed work 3 times a week.

When does he work on top speed then? And how much speed endurance do you need, if you are running at WR pace?

Q. A - constantly Even if it means one improves ones acc from 55 to 58m??
Q. B - Not as much speed endurance as a 11sec guy. However, surely its harder to maintain the 40-45m of speed endurance at WR pace than it is to maintain speed endurance at 11sec pace?? Hence the seemingly high amount of speed endurance.
Thing to look at, Putting it into perspective.
how long is Spp1? 12wks - nearly all Acc. or at least aiming to develop the acc to its potential for the Indoors.
how long is Spp2 and 3? Are they normally shorter in duration than Spp1? According to Bens 1987graph they are shorter. Even combined Spp2 and 3, they are shorter in time than that of Spp1. So, are we chasing tons of Speed endurance? It does not seem to be.

Other thing to look at, the speed endurance of a 11.50sec guy, will cover according to cf, 3.8 or nearly 4 sec of Lactic acid ability. V;s
Wr pace your lactic acid ability is only 1.66 sec.
This in itself shows where a 11.50 sec runner should be aiming a lot of his training for this current year. Speed endurance. Developing his top speed. Where should he be putting less emphasis? Acc, as his top speed this yr is too low. However, if he concentrates on Top speed this yr, hopefully next yr, his Acc zone will improve due to a higher top speed, and more emphasis can be shifted to the acc zone training in Spp1. But, for this yr, Speed endurance and Top speed should be the focus of the said 11.50 runner. ie, from right to left as per the chart. Of course, tempo/general fitness is a given also.