I’ve thrown this idea out there before, but I think it would be very valuable to get a bunch of CF.com members together to have a mini-training camp (similar to what Mel Siff did in the past with Supertraining members).
We could all converge on Toronto to meet up with Charlie (for a camp fee) and go through a mini-training camp (perhaps on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday). We could go over all aspects of training and make most of it practical based and hands on (working with athletes on the track). It’s nice to hear Charlie speak and present slides, but it’s much more valuable to work side-by-side with him and see how he works with individual athletes.
Another important reason to have such an event is that members could learn from each other, as many forum members have expertise in different areas to bring to the table. It would also be a good way to socialize and meet face-to-face with those people you are always arguing with on CF.com. Maybe a few match races could be set up to settle some scores.
I figure Toronto would be a good location since it is very close (driving distance) to a number of major centers. Also, for US members, the Canadian dollar makes it worth your while. I’m sure Charlie could also introduce attendees to a number of the therapy specialists he works with.
So, a couple of questions?
1 - Who would be interested in attending such a training camp in Toronto in the near future?
2 - What time of year would be best (I was thinking May or June)?
I would absolutely be interested in attending! If it’s in May it has to be after May 7th(when school ends). I would also like to know what the cost of the event might be and what would the daily schedule include?
Just for arguments sake why not run one during january, more of a camp type thing and make it last a week, so that the knowledeg is more digestible and people not from Canada or the US can also attend, I know that I would go if it was in January and that would mean a 10-12 hour plane trip for me.
I’d be interested in attending in Toronto, or if we could consider in the south or southwest (arizona or new mexico would be perfect if we could arrange it). I’m in.