Cassein protein. (Where found??) Help!

Please tell me where I can find cassein protein. Is it in milk, cheese, yoghurt etc…?
If so, then great, I will start eating that stuff a.s.a.p! I’m allergic to milk/lactose, but I can buy lactolite milk which has the lactose taken out. From now on a third of my protein will be whey, a third cassein, the other third = chicken or fish. PLease help, before I Atrophy in to D.r Bruce Banner!

cottage cheese

cottage cheese or in protein powders/MRPs that have a blend of the different forms of protein.

If you’re looking for a protien powder, take a look at Micellar-PM from Molecular Nutrition. Never tried it so I can’t comment on it’s effectiveness.

Cottage cheese is mostly whey protein although it may contain some casein but not much…

Nightmare, guys, can someone give me another option other than cottage cheese for the nighttime meal - damn I hat that stuff, I’ve tried it now for some time on and off - it tastes mank!

i think it tastes good, there was only 1 bad type i tried, it was no fat no salt added, no flavor either lol

Maybe it’s 'cus I’m doing the low fat garlic and chive …

cottage cheese and pineapple is the way to go

Cottage cheese, pineapple and 6 egg whites - sounds lovely …

I guess that’s plain cottage cheese too Fluke - not my low fat garlic and chives version ?



any night time or PM formula, while it may have casien in them, will be WAY over priced.

as for flavoring the cottage cheese, try adding choc low carb grow to it and you can actually make a nice cheesecake from it. i think berardi has the recipe on his site. also try different brands and stick to 1% (for taste) not that much more fat and taste better than .4%dried curd (blahhhh). try dropping in some salsa to plain cottage cheese, salsa is low carb and adds a lot of flavor and can cover up just about anything.

I’ll try that - thanks man.

I even ended up using bread to try and mask the taste once or twice …



What is you view/opinion of Dorian Yates approved Pro-peptide protein?

With its pro-biotics, special casein (cannot remember its official title), peptide bonded glutamine,

Is it any better than low-carb Grow?

fresh pineapple and anything is ideal…add in the cottage cheese…


i havent used the yates line myself, but alot of my close friends have and like it alot! there is a small question on the taste, but generally guys like the way it performs.

last sept, we looked at the biotest line and yates line to bring 1 of the 2 into the store and went with biotest, as its more complete, but if my store was more bodybuilding in nature i would carry yates aswell.


You’re absolutely right. But with a suprisingly large number of people, price is a secondary consideration.

I like the salsa angle. I slather salsa on alot of the stuff I eat. Thanks for bringing that to light.

ISS makes a protein blend with whey, casein and egg protein. (The one with Jay Cutler on the label). As for a pre-bedtime snack, try this: 1oz of reduced fat cheese and 1 glass of wine.

adding in pineapple is really good for breakfast with a 6 egg white omlet… You can even add some whey to make a pretty good cheese cake too. Check out John Bernardi’s web site he has some great articles and recipes.