Alright Ive finally decided to start a training log.
First ill start with some stats. First post might be a bit long but want to give some background.
Age - 22
hieght - 6’0
weight - 180
100m - 10.79 (1.3)
200m - 21.92 (1.8) indoor 22.09
400m - 48.50
My 100m pb is from 4 years ago, and up until last year I was primarly a 100m, 200m guy. the year before last i was plagued with injury and didnt run very well at all.
Last year I opened up fast in the 200m (22.09 indoors then 21.92 outdoors) and in the 400m (48.50). I was excited and thought for sure I could get down to mid 21 high 47 by the end of the year (I ran those times in march and april). however all I managed were a whole bunch of 22.0X and a 48.60 and a few low 49’s. I blame a bit of this on the fact that I basically stopped lifting at the end of april and lost a lot of my strength when i was running in june/july.
My goals for this year are to remain consistent in training, follow through with lifting and improve consistently throughout the season. Ive been training consistently now for about a month and a half.
Any comments/criticism etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday did 3 x (11 sec/ 10 sec/ 9 sec) 30 second rest between reps , 15 minutes between sets
8:30 - vector, juice, gatorade, multivit/flaxseed vit/ protein drink
10:30 - Track -
3 x (3x40m)
12:45 protein drink
1 - gym - powerlifting
cleans 5x3 190
squats 5x3 255
cleans 5x3 255
bench 5x3 235
Cant really remember what I did for food for the rest of the day.
11 - Tempo - 6 x (4x 100) 3 minutes between sets , 50m walk between reps
3 - massage - a little pain behind the knees
3:30 - 10 minute icebath
6:30 - gym
tempo weights 3x10 of (one arm rows@80, calf raises@ 240, should press@45’s)
500 abs
4:30 - school gymnasium - plyometric work
6:30 - gym
squats 5x3 @ 315 (normally wouldnt olympic lift on this day but just started power squats)
500 abs
8 - icebath
Again not too sure what I ate but ill start recording that.
Right now my weekly training scedual looks like this:
Mon - olympic lifting / speed
tues - tempo/ tempo weights
wed - plyos
thurs - tempo
fri - rest
saturday - speed endurance/ olympic lifting
sunday - tempo / tempo weights