Calves are interesting because we use them constantly.
Have you tried
Head stands ( don’t laugh. I do them now and it’s 10x better than putting feet up. progress to do them or your head will hurt)
putting your feet up
hot and cold in pale that goes up to the knee
Likely cal mag and or zinc. Kinda no brainer supplements with regards with both are low in our current diets and absorption is an issue and both involved in many cellular functions so if we are low lots goes wrong fast
It would be great to find an awesome doc or therapist but you can also begin to trouble shoot as we have always done with many things
I’ve had tight calves my entire life and so did Charlie and both of us have / had big calves in relative terms to some
Icing is fine but the contrast gives you the circulation
You could have lots of inflammation going on due to standing a lot or generally having poor circulation
are you wearing high heals too much LOL ( yep, I am kidding)
Stretching might actually make things worse depending on the issue
As an aside I saw football players doing endless calf stuff at the gym at York yesterday and the team for York has never been very good. They were really killing the calf exercises and I thought to myself the comments Charlie made about lots of athletes NOT needing calf raises because we are already getting some much work in the calf that if you do lots of extra it becomes detrimental
New shoes often is a must / bad shoes are like bad tires on a car and protect the foot and calf which both act as shock absorbers unless they are over used
Lastly without going on and on as I could is TREAT yourself system wise. Biggest mistake most make when it comes to injuries. Local therapy is fine. I can’t know what is going on with you without speaking to you. Each of us typically have a weak spot or failing point and when under stress it / the weak spot reacts somehow.
Have you ever injured your calves?
When was the lsat time you replaced your shoes?
what information are you not thinking of or telling us? Sometimes we don’t realize how wear and tear adds up.
One last thing. When I had issues with my feet and or calves, the first 30 or even 40 min of my training which would have been my warm up was done without any calf involvement what so ever. Then I would move to using the feet for most priority issue.
Are you hamstrings tight?