Call me slow, but I just watched “Bowling for Columbine” for the 1st time today, and I thought it was absolutely, truly, brilliant. Other people’s opinions?
i saw it for the first time a few weeks ago when it came on direct tv -brilliant movie
theres my top 5 list
Great movie!
It made me wonder…
Note: I am neutral. I agree with some of the movie’s points but think Moore is pompous and insincere.
“Those that stand for nothing, fall for anything.”
Hope that’s directed at me! If so, allow me to laugh at you.
I don’t care much for the man. Life is what you make of it. If you wish to spend your days focussing on the negative be it real or imagined you’re going to one twisted individual.
It was directed toward those who stand up for what they believe in. I’m glad it made you laugh. You missed the point while showing everyone here how blissfully ignorant you are. Its sad so i’m not going to laugh.
DCW are you still training? If so how is it going? Do you have any video’s of indoor competition that we could start a thread on since the season is coming up? Thanks.
By stating what you have, you show that you are totally ignoring what I have to say. By saying I think Moore is insincere, I believe that he is only standing up for his “cause” to cash in.
The entire movie is saturated with inaccuracies. So many things were conjured up, that there is a large movement to take back the Oscar. For example, the entire bank scene. It shows the bank employees telling MM that they give guns for people opening up new accounts, him opening the account, him holding the gun in his hand, and that’s it. Now, no where in the movie does it show him walking out of the bank with gun on that very same day Why? Because MM had to wait 5 days while a background check was performed before he was allowed to take the gun home with him. MM wanted the viewer to get the impression that he did leave with the gun the very same he opened the account and it simply did not happen.
That is just one of the MAJOR flaws that appear in this piece of propaganda.
I’m not saying that I support Moore, but I do respect him. His cashing in is very minute compared to the amount of many of todays top CEOs who by the way 67% of them have committed a crime. Your focusing on the unnecessary instead of looking at the big picture.
Ryan, what else did you think was inaccurate?
you are right about some things definitely, one innaccuracy i noticed was him saying that the “africanized” bees never entered the U.S., but they in fact did enter southern texas. But I do think that his point on fear being a big factor in American culture is pretty right on. That was the biggest thing I got from that movie.
Moore was not trying to lillustrate whether or not the bees had entered the U.S., he was tying to point out the suttle forms of racism that African Americans experience U.S. i.e everything black is bad but white is good, dark is dangerous but light is pure, etc. Hence the name “africanized bees”, . I have a great deal of experience with this and I think that we all know (looking at the big picture) who has done the most evil of all.
I haven’t seen the movie, but I understand that it lampoons American gun culture. If that is the case I could not disagree with it more. Firearms help guarantee personal safety and, in a larger sense, political freedom in America.
In the Columbine tragedy the young killers broke innumerable laws in committing their acts. I fail to see how a few more would have helped. The problem was not guns, ultimately, but evil in their souls.
To Vincente: I realize that wasn’t the issue being presented, but it was an innacuracy none the less. Saying the bees never came made a more valid point about unneccessary fear in America.
To Mikeh: Alot of the movie discusses how culture in America could have led to the “evil in their poor souls”, that this was far more likely to happen in America than in any other country. I do agree with you that most gun laws are good, but I personally see absolutely no reason why any civillian needs to own a semiautomatic weapon. Very few people hunt with them, and a shotgun could defend your family just as easily.
I can’t comment on the film or American culture in general ,but in my view the real crime of our age is people wanting something to be true rather than wanting the truth.
This wanting something to be true is very much a trait of youth, a trait of the first intellectual coming of age, and reveals a general lack of grown-up people in society today.
Thor has spoken…
This article by by Ben Fritz states that:
Moore contradicts his own thesis that foreign bombing leads to domestic gun violence when he approvingly notes that the United Kingdom, which played a leading role in bombing Yugoslavia with the U.S., had only 68 gun homicides the same year America had 11,127.
Could it be that the U.K. have less “gun homicides” because they have very strict national gun laws?
Ben Fritz attempts to show that Michael Moore distorts and contradicts the truth. And in the process, Ben Fritz ends up using similar “distortions and contradictions” to prove his point.
Talk about “living in a glass house and throwing stones.”
Haha good eye, I didn’t catch that at first.
The reason I posted it was to highlight that there are inaccuracies in the film and bad reasoning, I lacked examples. That is a bad example.
The best thing that ever happened to thi sthread was going into the forum archives.