Bottom of the Foot

I get pain right around the ball of the foot only after tempo sessions. This seems weird because you’d think that speed sessions would have a greater impact on the foot?? Could this be due to the type of shoes I’m wearing for tempo? I’m changing up the footwear for tonight. Will report back…

Any update on different shoegear?

Strangely enough, my tempo shoes(with tonnes of cushioning) seem to be causing me more problems than my track spikes. I used my track spikes for tempo and didn’t suffer from any discomfort.

well there might be to much cushion, i wouldnt use my spikes for every thing bruh, just see if you can find a running shoe with a lil less cushion like a waffle or sumthing…

Sounds good. I’ll try it…

well hit me back and let me know how its going.

Any update? It seems quite puzzling to me. I would suggest an examination by a medical professional just to make sure.

I used a pair of waffles for tempo and didn’t suffer from any pain like I did with my other shoes. Apparently there is such a thing as “too much cushioning”… It seems odd to me aswell. Maybe if you have too much cushioning under your foot you put all the pressure on the area of impact, whereas if you have little cushioning, more of the foot is supported??

Well from my experiances it seems like my foot is to cramped up. Well i glad it worked out for you big man, keep up the hard work.