books "NOT" to read...

Sports speed 2 is not that bad for team sports or HS athletes. It sucks tha bone for high level sprinters though… The lifting program is OK. Granted, the down hill runs and over speed stuff is bad, but for the most part you can use some of it as a reference.

The Best Sports Training Ever, or however that Db Hammer book is supposed to be said.

Explosive running sucks cucumber…don’t read it.

what’s the title?

I wish I knew how to say it!!! Sucks, maybe!!!

Upon Clemson’s recommendation, I am now reading the Book of Five Rings, and it is excellent. Renaissance, here I come!

I finished this. I didn’t think it was that bad… I didn’t think it was that good either. I had a lot of time to kill so it worked out ok for me.

But didn’t you love the pictures? :smiley: Tonnes of video caps of people running and 5 page summaries of how to lift your leg from the track to your ass.

And how about the special strength exercises to fix all the problems found in everyones running. With over 200 to choose from there is one for everybody… :stuck_out_tongue:

Still on the bright side I now know how to explain to scientists exactly how people should be running…

I have to disagree with “High Performance Training for Track and Field”. I feel that it is a good book for a coach, simple yet you can tell that every sentence is very deep with years of actual trail and error.

but what about the 3rd edition of “sports Speed” it looks alright to me

Yes,i do agree with you…
really lost money…

The thing that kills me is the Yessis is posting on the late Mel Siff’s “Supertraining” list about sprint mechanics and telling people to read his book…

Does anyone know if Yessis actually coached any sprinters? Or is he just lobbing prescriptions from the bleachers?

I don’t know if I’ve seen Yessis posting on Supertraining, but I’ve seen Tony Schwartz posting and defending yessis’s work. Tony also contributes here on occasion. Perhaps he could give his own insight?

Are we realy sure that we’re advancing anything by comming up with a list NOT to read? How about detailed reviews beyond one-liners and let people figure it out for themselves. I fear peope will think there’s some CF official banned books list! It’s fun for a time but…

haha Dr. Tullock told me, Charlie, that you were never the best with being PC or politically inclined ;). It was in a complimentary fashion though.

Unfortunately, this can be a useful topic… As I constantly get people asking me what books they should read to learn about coaching people in speed events. Aside from Charlie’s writings, there isn’t much out there that will provide a “foundation” for good coaching. But people seem to think books are the primary answer to their education. And the more they read, the smarter they will get. Or so they think.

I think there needs to be some guidance in regards to their choice of resources. It will save many aspiring coaches time and money.

One of my close friends - who attended Charlie’s latest seminar - wanted to know if he should buy the latest edition of Sport Speed (Dintmann, Tellez). I spent 45 min on the phone with him telling him the best way to learn more about sprint coaching was to learn from his athletes, use some foundational resources (CFTS, Speed Trap) and talk to other good coaches. Books like Sport Speed and Explosive Running are put out there for one reason - fill a void, because there aren’t many books out there about running speed.

Like many of the Strength and Conditioning books out there, many have little foundational value. Most are filled with drills, with little information on how to apply those drills within an overall, real-world training program. “Use a ball”, “Get a bigger bench press”, “Pull a heavy sled”. These books sell, but provide very little in terms of developing athletes - particularly for speed.

As people can tell, I’m not a big fan of Yessis. All I can figure is that he translated some old Soviet articles (poorly from what a number of Russians have told me), has promoted questionable products (JumpSoles), and has published a book on running fast that has more harmful than helpful information. Obviously everyone has to make a living, but I think one should take more responsbility when putting a book out that claims to be a top source for coaching running speed.

I’m doing some research with some old books (from the 1950’s and 1960’s) on sprinting and track and field in general. There are some great descriptions on running technique and requirements for attaining maximum speed. I will try to post them. Just basic, fundamental info which is often missed in this age of trends, innovation and gurus.

Me? Not PC? Who knew?

ya, on your no.10 list, that run faster with isometric training, hahaha,

here is a BS link

the guy who made this had a pretty good idea to scam people i think, it says if you use “reps” you will slow down. hahaha

Ah, if you are weak, Isometric training can greatly enhance your ability to tolerate force absorption and subsequent reaction.
I haven’t read that book, but the idea is sound.

ya that can be true, but saying that plyometrics and doing something with “reps” will slow you down, that is not true.