Bolt resumes training

But the Franno long AND short stuff works better. I know PJ and CF raised some questions about the specificity of same for pure sprints (and I might have agreed with them) but if you do more or less what the man said in the seminar notes on here somewhere, by the end of 2 months of this stuff you get into pretty ridiculous 400 shape.

I hate to think what damage Asafa could do to the WR if he came to Boston Indoors and ran the 60.

Short power stuff does work but you need to run too and you would be surprised at how much long stuff is done in Jamaica. I know people who have trained with Franno personally and it’s more long stuff than people think…

From the people I talked to who have trained there they are still doing 300’s in feb, mar, etc.

Franno also said he has them do 300 close to comp as well. That’s common to many approaches though.

in regards to long runs and tom tellez. as far as i know leroy still maintains toms programmes at UH. TT programmes would start at 8/6/4 and taper down to 3/2/1 in season. this session was called breakdowns because it kick the crap out of you and was always done on a monday- fresh athlete! honestly i think this sort of work depends on the athlete. i for sure got more benefit from going the opposite way as in S-L because going L-S for me was too strenuous and i just couldnt handle it.

i also remember charlie saying that he had ben doing repeat 2’s and ben said he cut it down to 150;s cause he couldnt handle the stress of repeat 2’s

*** bottom line is THE PROGRAMME MUST FIT THE ATHLETE just like a pair of shoes. if theyre too tight your gonna be crippled ad if theyre too loose your gonna get friction blisters!

IMO the more muscular and heavier the athlete, the less they will tolerate the overdistance stuff. You gotta find what works for YOU.
I find it difficult to believe that mills would have his athletes run for 20mins but who knows. Some sprinters actually have excellent endurance and some equally fast ones have none.

Great point, just because someone can run 6x300 at ease doesn’t mean they can run a fast 60 or 100.