bodyfat distribution

I’ve been getting back into training more seriously…i’ve been monitoring skinfolds thickness weekly…now, all the upper body and trunk skinfolds are getting smaller except for the thigh! it’s actually going up a bit…:confused:
does anyone have any insight on this?
now I don’t train for bodyduilding purposes, I throw…I’m wondering what it could be saying physiologically speaking…
any idea?

i recall reading an article on (i did a quicl search and couldnt track it down) that looked at where guys carry their bodyfat and compared it to their free test, total test and estrogen levels. as i reacall, men that hold BF in their thighs had a high level of estrogen.

ill keep looking for the article and post the link when i track it down.

Slightly different but related topic -
The areas we loose fat from first -
I read some time ago it was - face and arms
followed by legs and stomach finally,
Can any one add to that? True false?

With ladies the last place they loose from is the thighs apparently…

Mebbe u should be watching out 4 breasts romes - gulp :smiley: -

Seriously - I’ve lost BF and body mass recently too and have had a similar concern - I think sometimes the skin just takes a while to shrink tight to the muscle - over time it shouldn’t be a problem .

Many thanks Nightmare -
my bf hasn’t been this low 4 about 10 years - and I’m even able to eat large amounts of fruit now too with no slow down of fat burning

How long have you been doing what and how much have you lost Gloop?

nice job gloop!!!

Skin fold readings and what they mean:

It is the last question.



thanks for tracking that down! i spent 30mins this morning flipping through old articles and its easy to start reading something and forget why you were there in the first place.

anyways, back to the original quesiton, romes, there is hope you just have to adapt to what hand your body is dealing to you.

How long have you been doing what and how much have you lost Gloop?

Basically 4 about 4 months now - splitting carbs from fats for most meals / having most of my carbs b4 3 pm / cutting out bread / processed foods etc and trying to arrange my diet in a similar way to the ‘nightmare diet’ -

I haven’t bothered to count calories or attempted any exact ratios of C/P/F - but aimed for similar amounts to what was suggested - and I add extra amounts of veg/salads depending on energy levels + about 1.5 grams of protein per kg

I don’t know 4 sure what my bf % is but I can see a six pack where I could’t b4 so thats gotta b in the right direction - I must get a bf test at the gym

The key for me was cutting out milk and halving the amount of nrg drinks during training - G-Push is great if u can get hold of it .

I’m currently @ 75kg and upper body strength has fallen slightly - but I haven’t been able to focus on it cos of the amount of races I’ve had .

Thanks for the links…what to do, though…i’ve had my teststerone checked before and it was in the upper range…maybe it’s a conversion to oestrogen problem…due to what, I dunno…
I love breasts, but maybe not on myself:D

If I had my own - I’d be up all night :smiley: lol - but I’m a confirmed lesbian