Body fat levels for elite male sprinters?

I like Joel. I was thinking it would be fun to meet Joel and he could train me and we could chronicle it.

The only problem for a grandmother is her max heart rate would probably be about 150 … lol

Nah… My granny is a freak - RHR is 45 - HRV 90’s… lol

You should see her do hurdle hops.

Are you joking or is the mom or your mom like Angella Taylor? Then it’s possible. I want to see her photo. lol

When do we get to see her hurdle hops?

I am not a granny yet LOL (I will take what ever comes if I am fortunate to get that far…) but I have been practicing jumps in the grass with barefeet as I want to get some explosive med ball runs into the mix now that Winstonator ( aka Winston my French bulldog who’s birthday is this coming weekend) gets his cone off in the next few days. ( pet injuries might be more stressful than ANYTHING)

Funny, almost zero people care about the nutrition thread but 40k views on body fat.

I did okay making a few national teams but I was always frustrated with how I felt and I was always hungry or full.

I used to watch the European woman eat when we went to track meets. EU culture is not or has not been focused on superficial aspects of health and athletics IMHO.

Our north american thinking and practicing on diet is messed up big time.

If you want to perform and be at your best, get serious now about your diet…like yesterday.

I don’t mean to diet. I mean how you make and or maintain or protect your health with awesome nutrient dense food choices.

I mean pay attention to what functional medical interested people are discussing and find out what works for you.

Fun facts.

  1. the reason so many people in 2022 are getting sick is most of us are overfed and undernourished. ( this has been me most of my life. INSULIN RESISTANCE :face_with_monocle: :astonished:

  2. The majority of humans in NA society have tremendous inability to digest DAIRY, GLUTEN and GRAINS. ( it’s hard to stay away from these foods are our entire society in USA and CANADA is and has become about FAST foods and not nutrient dense foods)

  3. Read the label of what you are eating = if you are able to understand the food you it’s a great start to becoming aware.

  4. Athletes usually take for granted their age, fitness level and believe training is All important. I know this as I was this person as was Charlie. It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to eat what ever and feel great. If you wish to optimize your performance, optimize your NUTRIENT intake. ( you will be able to manage inflammation, your sleep will improve, you will shorten your recovery and you will get and be stronger)

( yes, you still have to train but you will be more efficient once you learn how to keep your cells healthy) :star_struck: