Body fat levels for elite male sprinters?

What approximately is the body fat range for world class male sprinters (lowest and highest)? I remember Clemson stating once that none of the top sprinters in the world are 10 per cent…

Body fat percentages will vary between genders, but for men, you will see a range from 5-10%. It also varies on how the percentage was measured. Intramuscular fat stores cannot be meausured unless you use a Dunk Tank or better yet DEXA.

In addition to diet, training and genetics, remember that stress also affects body fat levels via cortisol secretion. Increases in bodyfat or a resistance to reduction might be an indication of too much stress (i.e. not enough recovery).

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Is it an optical illusion or do black male sprinters seem more cut up than the white guys??

Goose 1: I highly doubt the body fat levels you are stating! As far as I know, some bodybuilding dude (I don’t remember his name) had the lowest BF level ever (measured by hydrostatic weighing) of 2.4%.

Watch out not to lose too much fat, since it is an excellent hormonal modulator. Leaner doesn’t necessarily mean faster. In fact, I gained a bit of fat lately, and my performance increased compared to the time I was quite lean (6-7%). I believe, for every athlete there is a certain BF level that shouldn’t be passed.

Any opinions on this?

I believe its due to the colour of their skin :slight_smile:

Thats why bodybuilders tan before contests, it brings out “the cuts” more.

Then again they could just be pasty white dough boys :slight_smile:

Carl Lewis got his bodyfat down to 3% after changing his diet in 1989. Before that, it was apparantly 6%. Ian Mackie, a white sprinter from Britain has 4.5% bodyfat.

Me, I’m one of those guys that has to moniter bodyfat levels. My aim is to get down to 4.5%, and if I have to have a Bruce Lee (1.5% at the time of “Enter the Dragon”) lifestyle to get down to 4.5% then so be it.:karate:

Be carefull not to overdo your fat reduction :karate: It will only have a negative effect on your hormonal status and in the long run, decrease your power output.

anyone obsessed with lowering their BF should check out Clarence Bass’s web site ( He’s a Master’s body builder… and lean like hell: Diet is the key.

While I don’t endorse some of their methods, I believe one should focus on the training and everything will fall in place.

I’ve got a digital scale and my body fat seems to never get lower than 15%. Is there any tips to help me lower my body fat?

I’ve got a digital scale and my body fat seems to never get lower than 15%. Is there any tips to help me lower my body fat?

Yah, get a new scale :slight_smile:

Seriously, those scales aren’t that accurate, try getting a caliper test done.


what should be a good bodyfat level for a sprinter?

I don’t think I am good at guessing BF levels. But as I said before: in my opinion, it is possible to become too lean for a sprinter!

I don’t think I am good at guessing BF levels. But as I said before: in my opinion, it is possible to become too lean for a sprinter!

Does anyone know how much bodyfat John Regis was carrying? He was 1,81 m (about 6 ft.) and 98 kg! That’s extremely heavy, but I’m sure he wasn’t fat…

I don’t thnk he was ever that heavy

clemson and others

what method do you use on your athletes? ive seen on TV a huge machine (similar in size to a cat scan) that apperantly measures everything, bones mass, muscle, water weight etc. have you seen, used or heard of it?

The ‘eyes’ have it.
Motion carried. :smiley:

The other methods are all airy fairy and don’t mean anything anyway. As Arnold used to say, jump up and down and see what jiggles - oh… please wear trouser when you do this :slight_smile:


       "The leanest sprinter I have ever seen is Jon Drummond at Indoor nationals in 1999. I could see every fiber in his calves, It was so impressive that I just stared for minutes marveling at God's handywork...after creating sprinters I think he took two days off! "

What, I can’t get any props???:wink: LOL

What about Tony Dees?:stuck_out_tongue:

the darker the skin and eyes, the less fat the person will hjave (by nature)