Hi there,
I have a question(assignment) :
I have to rank the following exercises in terms of their relative specificity to the support phase in sprinting -
1.Back Squat (full)
2. 45 Degree Leg Pree
3. Leg Extension
4. Hang Clean
5. Bounding.
Also : What are the main disadvantages of using the leg extension exercsie to enhance sprint running?
How can the leg press be modified to increase the supprt phase of the sprinting action?
If a sprint athlete was performing squats, what would the minimum knee angle would you reccomend that they descend to and why?
Thanks Kindly. Any opinions would be appreciated.

While I cannot answer every question posted I will post what I think. In terms of your first question I would probably go with bounding being #1. The others I am not so sure about when trying to relate them to the support phase in sprinting.
The disadvantages of using the leg extension to enhance strength for sprinting are many. First off the leg extension creates a shear force at the knee which could potentially lead to injury. Also the leg extension is an isolation exercise and in sports Muscles do not work in isolation. Muscles do not work in isolation. They work together and they must be trained that way (Intra muscle coordination).Also regarding isolation exercises, they are simply a waste of time. Exercises such as oylmpic lifts, squats deadlifts and unilateral exercises work the same muscles used while doing the leg press along with many other muscles. So it becomes a time issue. You want to go with exercises which give you the most bang for your buck.