Best Max Strength Method??

Well, I think that I’m able to much more clearly communicate my views and directives in lecture format. On that note, I will be speaking at a seminar in May in New Jersey.
I don’t want to list details here on Charlie’s site. The information is listed at

In a nutshell, I do agree that a qualified physical preparation coach is highly beneficial towards a programs success. It’s my unpopular view, however, that very few of these exist.

What there is no shortage of, are ‘strength and conditioning’ coaches. It just so happens to be that, according to my view, the curricula and apprenticeships that generate the populous of these coaches are fantastically incomplete and often misdirected.

I often ask myself the same question and then I go to the facility the next day and train my athletes and I’m reminded why.

It’s the athletes, not all of them- the special ones, and the feeling I’m rewarded with when I know that what I’ve done has assisted them in heightening their sport results.