Ben's 100m-200m Training Journal


Tue: OFF


Wed: accel dev

5x20m block starts w/2min rest b/w ea

5min rec

5x20m block starts w/2min rest b/w ea


BB Squat 4x: 135x12wu, 230x10, 250x9, 265x7, 280x3
DB Sh Prs 3x: 60x10, 70x7, 70x7
superset w/
DL 3x5: 230x5, 260x5, 290x3
Db shrugs 3x10: 80x10, 80x10, 85x10
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs 3x: 360x10, 390x10, 420x10
Cable Ham Curl 3x: 30x10ea, 50x10, 50x10

Core: Seated good morning w/BB 3x10

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs

Ben did it snow there? What is your plan?


Thur: off


Fri: active rec

20min stat bike


Sat: off


Sun: active rec

15min arc
15min elliptical
15min stat bike


Mon-Tues: OFF


Wed: Accel Dev

5x25m block starts w/wlk bk rest b/w ea

5min rec

6x25m block starts w/wlk bk rest b/w ea

Lifting: Maintenance Week (Meet on Fri :eek: )

BB Squat 3x6 @75-80% of 1 rep Max: 3x240x6
BB Bench 3x6 @75-80% of 1 rep Max: 3x175x6

Core: reverse hyper w/weight b/h head: 3x15

weighted lower/upper abs


Thur: recovery

Massage and stretching


Fri: Meet @ BU

200m: 28.2

Had a great start and was ahead up to the 100m bank when I just died…I completely ran out of gas…


Sat & Sun: OFF


Mon: Accel Devel

10x25m starts w/o blocks w/wlk bk rest b/w ea

10min rec

7x25m starts w/blocks w/2min rest b/w ea

Lifting: (Lowered Rep range to 8-max per set)

BB Bench 4x: 135x5 wu, 185x8, 195x8, 205x3, 205x3
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 140x8, 150x8, 160x5,
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x8, 80x7, 85x4
T Bar Row 4x: 90x8, 100x8, 110x5
superset w/
BB tri ext 4x: 70x13, 75x9, 75x7, 75x5
DB Curl 3x: 35x10ea, 40x6ea, 40x5ea
superset w/
DB b/h head tri ext 3x: 55x10, 55x10, 55x10


rev hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

assorted upper/lower weighted


Tues: active rec

15min stat bike



Wed: accel dev

10x30m starts w/blocks w/2min rest b/w ea

I’ll have to lift tomr’w because the storm caused my gym to close for the day :mad:


Thur: Gen strength

15min stat bike


BB Squat 4x: 135x12wu, 240x8, 260x8, 275x6, 285x3
DB Sh Prs 3x: 60x10, 70x8, 75x3
superset w/
DL 3x5: 250x5, 275x5, 290x5
Db Sh ext (side) 3x: 20x8, 25x5, 25x5
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs 3x: 375x8, 400x8, 425x8
SL DB DL 3x10ea: 20x10, 20x10, 25x10

Core: Seated good morning w/BB 3x10

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Fri: OFF


Sat: active rec/gen. strength

15min stat bike


Inc BB Bench 4x: 135x5wu, 165x8, 175x7, 185x4, 190x2
DB Row 3x: 70x8, 80x8, 85x8
Inc DB Bench 3x: 70x8, 80x7, 85x4
T-Bar Row 3x: 100,8, 110x7, 110x6
superset w/
BB Curls 4x: 75x10, 85x7, 95x4, 100x2
BB Tri Ext 3x: 65x15, 75x10, 80x7
superset w/
DB curls 3x: 40x8ea, 40x8ea, 45x5ea


rev hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

assorted upper/lower weighted


Sun-Mon: OFF


Tues: accel dev

10x30m block starts w/2min rest b/w ea


BB Bench 4x: 135x5 wu, 190x8, 200x5, 205x4, 205x3
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 140x8, 155x7, 160x5,
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 75x8, 80x8, 85x4
T Bar Row 4x: 100x8, 110x7, 110x6
superset w/
EZ bar tri ext 4x: 70x13, 80x8, 80x7, 80x6
DB Curl 3x: 40x9ea, 45x5ea, 45x4ea
superset w/
DB tri ext 3x: 25x10ea, 25x10ea, 25x10ea


rev hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

assorted upper/lower weighted