Ben's 100m-200m Training Journal

I’ve been posting on that “OTHER” board for some time, and haven’t gotten any real feedback, so I thought I’d come over here and see what the CF boards are all about. It also made sense because I follow the CFTS.


24yrs old

Weight PR’s: 10/23/06*
Max Bench: 265x1
Max Squat: 375x1

SOON TO COME: 2006-2007 Pre-Season Sprint Times:
(These are all HT)

Week 1 GPP


mon: speed

Accel dev/hills

4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w ea

8min rec

4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w ea

8min rec

4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w ea


Bench Press 1x8-10, 1x6-8, 1x4-6: 135x5 wu, 175x7 3pu, 175x5 3pu, 175x4 2pu (pushups)
MR Row 2x: 10, 8
Clap pushups 2x max (emphasis on height): 29, 15
MB smash 2x12: 10, 10
MR Mil prs-fly 1x10ea
DB shrugs 2x10-12: 80x12, 85x12
6min legs


tues: extensive tempo

3x (200m w/100m wlk bk, 150m w/75m wlk bk, 150m w/75m wlk , 200m w/1min rec b/w sets)

Iso bb exer & alt core


wed: speed

accel dev/hills

5x10m w/1:30min rest b/w reps

10min rec

5x10m w/1:30min rest b/w reps


  1. Barbell Squat 135x5 wu, 225x8, 235x8, 240x8
  2. RDL 2x8-10: 225, 230
    3a. max pushups 2xmax: 60, 23
    3b. inverted row 2xmax: 20, 13
  3. Lysian lunge 1x12ea: 30
  4. Toe taps (dorsie flexion) 1x40ea
  5. MR ham curl 1x15
  6. MR abductors: 1x12ea


thur: tempo

did 20mins on the bike alternating speeds
5mins rowing machine
(wanted to give my hip/shins a break)

iso bb exer & alt core


fri: speed

accel dev/hills

3x4x15m w/2min rest b/w reps & 8min rec b/w sets


1x12 ea mr bench
1x18 pullups
extended abs
2x bw sl squats
2x25lb 30sec bi-mp-tri press



sat: active recovery

800m warmup jog

extended drills

5x100m @70% w/50m wlk bk rest b/w ea

600m cool down

GPP week 2


mon: speed

accel dev/hills

3x4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w reps & 8-10min rec b/w sets

Lifting: Active Recovery Week

Bench Press 1x20: 135x17/3pu
MR Row 1x12


tues: extensive tempo

2x300m w/150m wlk bk rest b/w ea

4x250m w/130m wlk bk rest b/w ea

2min walking rec

4x150m w/75m wlk bk rest b/w ea

Total Volume= 2200m

Iso BB exer & Alt core


wed: speed

accel dev/hills

3x25m hills w/2:30 rest b/w ea

9min recovery

4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w ea

8min rec

4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w ea


Squats 1x20: 155x20



thur: extensive tempo

Today’s usually a low volume extensive tempo day, but I’m sick for the first time in I don’t know how many years and was so dizzy I could barely walk straight, so I ended up having to stay in bed all day. Hopefully this is just a 24hr bug and I’ll be able to do my speed day tomr’w.


Fri: speed

Today would normally have been a hill day, but I’m still pretty sick, so it’s not happening. If I’m better by tomr’w, I’ll replace the active recovery day with the speed day, that way I’ll have a day off (sunday) between high stress CNS days.



Normally my off day, but this is the first day since wednesday that I haven’t been ridiculously sick. Decided to try a light jog, and that went pretty well, so I extended it just to get my legs back under me.

1000m warm up
dynamic stretching
500m cooldown
alt core
static stretching
Hopefully I’ll feel even better tomorrow morning and I can start week 3 of my GPP.

GPP Week 3


Feeling much better, still not 100%, but I decided to give it a go!

mon: speed

accel dev/hills

3x4x20m hills w/2min rest b/w reps & 10min rec b/w sets


Bench Press 3x10-12, 135x5 wu, 165x10/2pu, 165x6/6pu, 160x6/6pu
MR Row 2x: 12, 10
Clap pushups 2x max (emphasis on height): 26, 11
MB smash 2x14: 14, 14
MR Mil prs-fly 1x10ea
DB shrugs 2x10-12: 80x12, 80x12

You’re doing sets of 20 for squats??? Try 6 to 8. That is the only major issue I see. If you can squat 305 at 144, there is not much of a reason to be doing high rep squats…sheesh.

Hey, looks like you’re on the right track. When do you want to peak?

Im with mortac. The benefits will be much more if you bring down the reps. start with 10 and go on. Its tougher by the way

I’m with mortac. I tried high reps before. They took me no where. start with 10 if you’re unsure and work your way down to 8 and 6 but I don’t like less than 6 with the squat. specially full. for half you can maybe stay at 8 or 10. but 20. I don’t agree.

Oh, I would normally agree 100%, but that was an active recovery week with LIGHT weight (155lbs), for 1 set of 20 reps. We do the same thing that week for bench press (135lbs) for 20 reps.

Our strength coach has us go 4 weeks on 1 week off with the sets/reps as follows:

Week 1:
mon: bench 3x10-12
wed: full squat: 3x10-12
fri: extensive abs/bw exer

Week 2:
mon: bench 1x10-12, 2x8-10
wed: full squat: 1x10-12, 2x8-10
fri: extensive abs/bw exer

Week 3:
mon: bench 1x8-10, 2x6-8
wed: full squat: 1x8-10, 2x6-8
fri: extensive abs/bw exer

Week 4:
mon: bench 3x6-8
wed: full squat: 3x6-8
fri: extensive abs/bw exer

Active Recovery Week:
mon: bench 1x20
wed: full squat: 1x20
fri: extensive abs/bw exer

Also, I’m looking to peak 2x, once for our meets in Jan-Feb, and then again at the end of Apr-May

Are you only squatting once per week? If so, I’d recommend more (2 or 3 days of squat movement).