Ben's 100m-200m Training Journal


wed: gen strength


BB Squat 4x: 135x12wu, 230x10, 250x8, 265x6, 275x3
DB Sh Prs 3x: 60x10, 70x8, 75x3
superset w/
DL 3x5: 230x5, 250x5, 275x5
BB Frnt Sh Ext 3x: 45x9, 50x6, 50x5
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs 3x: 360x10, 380x10, 410x10
Cable Ham Curl 3x: 55x12, 60x10, 60x10

Core: rev hyper w.weight b/h head on floor 3x: 5x15, 5x15, 5x15

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Thur: active rec

20min arc
20min elliptical


weighted/med ball twists


Fri: Off


Sat: alt tempo

5x step ups (25steps) w/1min rest b/w ea

4min rec

5x step ups (25steps) w/1min rest b/w ea


Inc Bench 5x: 135x5wu, 175x6, 180x5, 185x4, 190x2
DB Row 3x: 75x8, 80x8, 85x8
superset w/
Inc DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x7, 80x6
T-Bar Row 3x: 90x9, 95x8, 100x6
superset w/
BB tri ext 3x: 75x11, 80x9, 80x7
BB Curl 4x: 75x10, 85x6, 90x5, 95x3
superset w/
Ovrhd DB tri ext 3x: 50x10, 60x10, 60x10


reverse hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Sun: Off


Mon: alt tempo

12x35sec alternating step toe touches w/1min rest b/w ea


BB Bench 5x: 135x5 wu, 195x6, 200x4, , 205x3, 205x3, 210x2
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 140x10, 150x9, 160x6,
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x7, 85x5
T Bar Row 4x: 90x10, 95x8, 100x6
superset w/
EZ Bar tri ext 3x: 75x12, 80x8, 80x6
DB alt tri ext 3x: 25x10, 25x10, 30x8
BB circuit A


rev hyper on floor w/weight b/h head 3x: 5x15, 5x15, 5x15

assorted upper/lower weighted


Tues: active rec

20min arc
20min elliptical


weighted side bends/seated twists


Thur: Active rec

1hr of full court basketball during lunch hr at work :smiley:


Thur: Gen strength


BB Squat 4x: 135x12wu, 230x10, 250x8, 260x6, 275x3
DB Sh Prs 3x: 60x10, 70x7, 75x3
superset w/
DL 3x5: 230x5, 255x5, 280x3
BB Frnt Sh Ext 3x: 45x10, 50x9, 50x6
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs 3x: 360x10, 385x10, 420x10
Cable Ham Curl 3x: 55x12, 60x10, 60x10

Core: rev hyper w.weight b/h head on floor 3x: 5x15, 5x15, 5x15

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Fri: off


sat: active rec

15min arc
15min elliptical
15min stat bike


Inc Bench 5x: 135x5wu, 175x7, 180x5, 185x4, 190x3
DB Row 3x: 70x10ea, 80x8ea, 90x5ea
superset w/
Inc DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x8, 85x5
T-Bar Row 3x: 95x10, 100x7, 100x7
superset w/
BB tri ext 3x: 75x12, 80x8, 80x6
BB Curl 4x: 75x10, 85x7, 95x3, 95x3
superset w/
Tri Cable ext 4x: 60x11, 70x10, 80x8, 80x6
bb circuit a

reverse hyper w/weight held in front 3x: 5x12, 5x12, 5x12

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs

12/17-12/24: OFF/Active rec

Taking a week off to rest and recover and then I’m gonna really get back to it!

For active recovery I’m going to focus on hill-high knee drills at about a 15 20 degree incline:


10x20m (20-25sec) high knees w/1min rec b/w ea


Pretty sick today, so the cardio is gonna be cut short so I don’t pass out…

Mon: tempo

5x30sec high knees w/1min rest b/w ea


BB Bench 5x: 135x5 wu, 190x9, 195x6, 200x4 205x3
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 140x10, 150x9, 160x6,
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x7, 90x2
T Bar Row 4x: 90x10, 100x7, 105x5
superset w/
EZ Bar tri ext 3x: 75x12, 80x8, 80x5
SA DB Curl 3x: 45x6ea, 45x6ea, 50x5ea
superset w/
SA DB tri ext 3x: 20x10ea, 25x10ea, 25x8ea


rev hyper on floor w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

assorted upper/lower weighted


Tues: active rec

15min stat bike
15min arc
15min elliptical


weighted sides


Wed: Gen Strength


BB Squat 4x: 135x12wu, 230x10, 250x9, 265x6, 275x4
DB Sh Prs 3x: 60x10, 70x8, 75x3
superset w/
DL 3x5: 230x5, 255x5, 280x4
Db side Sh Ext 3x: 15x10. 20x10, 25x7
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs 3x: 370x10, 390x10, 420x10
Cable Ham Curl 3x: 50x12, 55x10, 55x10

Core: rev hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x12, 10x12

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Thur: active rec

15min elliptical
15min elliptical w/arms
15min stat bike


weighted russian twists


Fri: off


Sat: tempo

5x200m w/200m wlk rest b/w ea


Inc Bench 5x: 135x5wu, 175x7, 180x5, 185x4, 190x3
DB Row 3x: 70x10ea, 80x8ea, 90x5ea
superset w/
Inc DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x7, 90x2
T-Bar Row 3x: 90x10, 100x9, 110x6
superset w/
EZ bar tri ext 3x: 75x12, 80x8, 85x5
BB Curl 4x: 80x10, 85x7, 95x4, 100x2


reverse hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Sun-Mon: OFF


Tue: tempo

5x150m w/150m wlk bk rest b/w ea

Did a hard 40-50m acceleration and then floated through the last 90-100m


BB Bench 5x: 135x5 wu, 195x7, 200x5, 205x3 210x2
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 140x10, 155x8, 165x5,
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 80x7, 90x3
T Bar Row 4x: 90x10, 100x8, 110x5
superset w/
BB tri ext 4x: 70x13, 80x8, 90x2, 85x5
DB Curl 3x: 40x8ea 45x6ea, HMR 35x6ea
superset w/
Cable tri ext 3x: 60x10, 65x10, 60x10, 65x10


rev hyper w/weight b/h head 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15

assorted upper/lower weighted