Ben's 100m-200m Training Journal


Thur: non contact active rec

30min elliptical
20min stat bike


weighted sides/obliques

Have you raced recently?

nope havent raced since…the beginning of May…

I’m not really training or preparing for the upcoming season…as you can probably tell with my workouts. These are more or less meant to keep me in shape with the idea that I could eventually pick it up a notch if I chose to race again…I just graduated, so I’m not on a team anymore as well…


OFF…really hot around here, and wednesday really drained me more than I thought…

Recovery Week


Mon: non impact active rec

60min elliptical (most boring thing EVER)

Lifting: maintenance week

Bench Press 4x: 135x5wu, 135x18, 135x13, 135x10, 135x10


rev b/w hyper 3x20

weighted lower/upper assorted


Tue: active rec

10x100m w/25m wlk rest b/w ea



Bennnn…what happened?


Mon: tempo

First day back after my 3 week rest period. Thats the first time in over 5 years I’ve taken more than a week off…Let’s just say I was glad to be back on the track…!!!

3x400m w/200m wlk rest b/w ea
4x200m w/100m wlk rest b/w ea


BB Bench 4x: 135x5wu, 175x10, 180x6, 185x4, 190x3
Rev Grip BB row 3x: 125x10, 130x9, 135x7
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x9, 75x5, 75x5
T Bar Row 3x: 72.5x8, 75x7, 77.5x6
superset w/
DB Fly 3x: 40x8, 45x6, 45x6
BB Tri Ext4x: 55x10, 65x10, 70x7, 75x4


rev hyper w/weight 3x15: 10, 10, 10

Assorted weighted upper/lower abs


Tues: active rec

30min elliptical
20min stationary bike


assorted sides/obliques


Wed: speed

5x20m w/45sec-1min rest b/w ea

5min/1 lap jog rec

5x20m w/45sec-1min rest b/w ea


BB Squat 4x: 185x5wu, 225x9, 230x6, 235x5, 240x4
BB Milt Prs 3x: 100x10, 105x9, 110x7
superset w/
BB SL DL 3x: 185x10, 195x10, 200x8
DB Sh Prs 3x: 55x9, 60x6, 60x6
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs (Ft together) 3x: 270x10, 280x10, 285x10
BB Frnt Sh raise 3x: 35x8, 40x6, 40x6

Core: b/w rev hyper 3x: 20, 10, 10

Assorted b/w lower/upper abs


My 24th birthday

Thur: active rec

30min stationary bike

Core: weighted sides/obliques


Fri: tempo

REALLY SORE!!! Man, the first week back from a layoff always hurts the most…lol

1x5x200m w/100m wlk rest b/w ea

400m wlk rec

1x5x200m w/100m wlk rest b/w ea

2000m total volume


Inc BB bench 4x: 155x9, 160x5, 165x4, 170x3

T bar WG row 3x: 72.5x8, 75x8, 77.5x7
super set w/
Inc DB bench 3x: 70x9, 75x5, 75x5

BB Shrug 3x: 185x10, 190x10, 195x10
superset w/
Inc Db Fly 3x: 30x8, 35x8, 40x7

BB curl 4x: 65x10, 75x9, 80x5, 85x4


rev hyper w/weight 3x: 10x15, 10x12, 10x10

Assorted weighted upper/lower


Sat: active rec

30min stationary bike


Sun: Off


Mon: tempo


BB Bench 4x: 135x5 wu, 180x8, 185x5, 190x4, 195x3
Rev Grip BB Row 3x: 115x10, 125x9, 130x8
superset w/
DB Bench 3x: 70x10, 75x7, 75x7
T Bar Row 3x: 75x8, 80x7, 85x6
superset w/
DB Fly 3x: 40x8, 45x7, 50x5
EZ Bar curl 4x: 65x9, 65x8, 70x6, 70x4


rev hyper w/weight 3x15: 10, 10, 10

Assorted weighted lower/upper abs


Tues: Active rec

60 min eliptical


assorted sides/obliques


Wed: speed

5x25m w/1-2min rest b/w ea

1 lap jog rec (6min)

3x30m w/2min rest b/w ea
2x10m from 3-pt stance w/2min rest b/w ea


BB Squat 4x: 185x5wu, 225x10, 235x7, 240x5, 245x3
BB Milt Prs 3x: 105x10, 110x8, 115x5
superset w/
BB SL DL 3x: 195x10, 200x10, 205x8
DB Sh Prs 3x: 55x10, 60x8, 60x7
superset w/
Mach Leg Prs (Ft wide) 3x: 280x10, 285x10, 290x10
BB Frnt Sh raise 3x: 45x6, 45x6, 50x4

Core: b/w rev hyper 3x: 10, 10, 10

Assorted b/w lower/upper abs


Fri: tempo

10x180m w/50m wlk rest b/w ea

I ran these on a golf course at 10pm after work…it was dark, there were small hills that were barely visible, and i kept hearing geese in the background…

nough said…


Sat: active rec/gen strength


Inc BB bench 5x: 135x5wu, 155x8, 160x6, 165x4, 170x3, 175x2
T bar WG row 3x: 80x8, 85x7, 90x5
super set w/
Inc DB bench 3x: 70x10, 75x6, 75x6
BB Shrug 3x: 205x10, 210x10, 215x10
superset w/
Inc Db Fly 3x: 40x8, 45x7, 50x5
BB curl 4x: 65x10, 75x9, 80x5, 85x4


rev hyper w/weight 3x: 10x15, 10x15, 10x12

Assorted weighted upper/lower


Sun: Off