Ben Johnson DVD compilation.

I bought a DVD compilation from a guy who lives in the UK and received it earlier this week. Races include:

1982 Commonwealth Games
100m Semi Final
100m Final
4 x 100m Final

1983 World Championships
100m Semi Final

1984 Olympics
100m Semi Final
100m Final
4 x 100m Final

1984 Olympics
100m Semi Final
100m Final
4 x 100m Final

1986 Commonwealth Games
100m Heat
100 m Semi Final
100m Final
200m Heat
200m Semi Final
200m Final
4 x 100m Final

1987 World Championships
100m Heat
100m Semi Final
100m Final
4 x 100m Semi Final
4 x 100m Final

1988 Olympics
100m Heat
100m Quarter Final
100m Semi Final
100 Final

It is awesome.It’s the first time since the 88 Olympics that I had seen the 100 m Quarter where Ben was called back for a spurious false start, then stayed in the blocks, rocketed out, killed everyone, slowed at the end, into a 1.1 meter headwind… Amazing. Even in the old races he is very focused even though he wasn’t winning. You could tell that he would be special. The relay races are also good. I hadn’t seen the 86 Commonwealth games since watching it on tv 2o years ago!!! Even then he was so confident. he was by that time #1 :wink:


Any chance of posting up that “false start”?

Any chance of posting the whole thing :slight_smile: or tell us where we can get a copy.

I can try… I will have to try to rip it from DVD as I just received it. To me and everyone else it was “not” a false start. Everyone moved at the same time. You should have seen Ben’s face. My copy goes straight to the 2nd start. But I rememeber it from 8 years ago. Ben looked as though he would kill the started. He glared with his hands on his hips then waved a hand in disgust…

I could burn copies of the DVD and have people just pay shippping being the nice Canadian that I am;)

I don’t think all those races would be postable. It would be quite large. :eek:

it would be easier for you to rip it to your hd and then up it to yousendit or megaupload or whatever. or send it to thor.

Ok I will try that and let you know!

I can see someones rep power about to rise if this comes off!

It would be nice to know where one can actually purchase such a copy. I’d pay to have it.

Maybe this is something Rupert might be interested in.

I think most of us would love to have a DVD copy of Bens races.

Me too …

I know this prob and the best way is to burn DVDs or send everything to thor, but its a f* slow work…

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