Basketball game analysis

Could anyone provide basketball game analysis or reference? I am particulary interested in:

  • avaerage distance covered
  • number of jumps, HI sprints
  • distance of HI running (or HI activity in general)
  • the largest HI run distance and the longest HI time
  • etc
    • No, I am not interested in % of energy sources involved, HR, nor bLA (actually bLA value could be included)
      Tnx in advance!

Check with any Australian (ie. AIS) sources. They always seem to have game analysis data (especially for soccer, rugby and field hockey).

good question…i would like to see the same for soccer and field hockey.

Number 2, off the top of your head, can you think of any of those australian sources?

How the hell do I do that? :confused: Do you have some link N2?

I think that there are plenty of this kind of data on soccer in the forum! It would be lovelly, that someone collect all of them in one thread… So that anyone can have resources!

The reason for collecting this data is because a lot of coaches uses 30’’ HI drills to develop “specific basketball endurance”??? :confused:
I rather believe that it is better to use (later in PREP period) shorter drills with shorter rest, but I also believe that sometimes in the game itself there can be situations where the ball is stealed couple of times and the action lasts longer than 30’’, so this kind drilling might be usefull…
My “metabolic” progression should be something like this (in a nuttshell):

  • first develop speed/power characteristics with full recovery, with concurent development of aerobic capacity via tempos, polygons(?)
  • Progressively decrease the rest between short burst of HI activity and drills.
  • Progressively increase duration of the drills (to 30’’) but give longer rest…
    So, basically in the later PREP period (pre-season), there can be 3-4 sessions of short HI drills with shorter rests(one-on-one and various short drills) and 1-2 sessions of longer HI drills with greater rests (longer tactical stuff and drills).
    I would love that this data provide rationale for this “phylosophy” or to change it…

This is the article from Gambetta:
There are some interesting stats… Didnt found time to read it yet, just to let you know guys!

From a friend of mine this is what I’ve got:

"I’ve actually never come across anything in time-motion analysis in Basketball but I know some has been done in netball that might have some relation:

Borrie, A., C. Palmer, L. Whitby, L. Burwitz and L. Broomhead (1995). The use of notational analysis in support of the coach: A netball specific example. In: (Edited by) G. Atkinson and T. Reilly, Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics. London, E & FN Spon.

O’Donoghue, P. G. and D. Cassidy (2002). The effect of specific intermittent training on the fitness of international netball players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 20(1), 56 - 57.

Steele, J. R. and K. E. Chad (1991). Relationship between movement patterns performed in match-play and in training by skilled netball players. Journal of Human Movement Studies. 20, 249 - 278.

Steele, J. R. and K. E. Chad (1992). An analysis of the movement patterns of netball players during match-play: implications for designing training programs. Sports Coach. 15(1), 21 - 28.

Williams, R. and P. G. O’Donoghue (in Press). Lower limb injury risk in netball: a time-motion analysis investigation. Journal of Human Movement Studies.

The only basketball reference I have is:

Brown, K., F. C. Piper and J. L. Mayhew (1996). Effect of training on the laterial reaction and movement times of college female basketball players. IAHPERD journal. 30."

Hope it’s of some help…

Link to AIS (Austrailian Institute of Sport). I guess info will be somewhere on the site…


Tnx guys!
What about your opinion on 30’’ drills usage in bb?

Yes, and i have used the resources on here many times. But it is kinda difficult to present the posts on here to a sport coach for “evidence” on how their players should be training. Even though there are some highly accomplished people posting on here, most sport coaches don’t know any better. Some don’t even buy your arguement when you are able to present solid info to them that shows what they are doing might be wrong. Sad, but true.

Especially soccer coaches!! With basketball coaches communication is ok, they are willing to listen and to change something, but soccer coaches…
In my country if you fail as a coach, then you should train soccer players :stuck_out_tongue:
Asbury, what is your opinion on basketball training? Drill durations, work/rest etc? I really appreciate your opinions, tnx!

Hmmm. I guess with basketball (as with anything else) you don’t want to replicate what happens during practices, scrimmages, etc. So, a lot of coaches love the idea of “jump training”. Garbage. Same with “agility sessions”.Not that plyos or even COD drills don’t have their place, but it is easy to overdo it with b-ball players. I see b-ball as a power sport. Lots of very short sprints and jumps with a lot of jogging, running, standing, shuffling, etc. Thus, should be trained for in that manner. You will get a some arguements that it falls into a lactic category, not sure if i buy that. Regardless, the best way to buffer bLa accumulation is a well trained aerobic system. Again, tempos being a key player here.

I pretty much agree with most everything you said a few posts ago where you outlined your metabolic progression. Though, i’m not sure if i would keep decreasing the rest between speed work as you progress closer to the season. I’m all for quality with speed work. On the other hand, i may slowly decrease rest time between tempos as the season gets closer (as long as quality is maintained). I feel this may be highly beneficial for recovery between HI runs.
Just my 2 cents. Not sure how benefical this is, i’m quite tired right now and my brain is struggling at this point.

You should look into Al Vermiel’s literature on b-ball training. Very good resource right there. Also, get ahold of svass and get a copy of his paper on the role of aerobic training in HI intermittent exercise. Good stuff.

Hope this helps.

Hi asbury,
It seems that your read my mind! We have same opinins here! I agree with your “too much of a good thing” regarding SAQ and jumping, but on my opinion they can be done (as you stated) but when game/practice stress is minimal and that would be in somewhere in later TRAN period or in early PREP period… But, again this depends on what are their weaknesses etc, and I would again agree with you that the practice itself is the most better SAQ training, becasue there is no situation in game when you know when and where to cut! So, this imply that SAQ training if implemented should have some “chaotical” component with great similarity with game itself, and that would be specially designed drills with opponents and this could be considered as game practice…
Regarding bLA capacity. This is the problem that bodhers me the most. And this is the purest reason why I started this thread, because it is well accepted among coaches that bb paleyers should have LA tolerance. Again, this is the reason why coaches do the sucides, 30’’ or longer HI drills. All I want to know is this happened in game, or to say does player do some HI activity longer that 6-12secs and is how much is the rest between…
And what about studyes showing that RSA (repeated sprint ability) is not correlated with aerobic development (mostly measured as VO2max which I disagree, and so this may be the major flaw of this kind of studyes)?

You missundestanded me here… I didnt ment that rest in speed work should be decreased with time, but rather I wanted to say that this situation (HIIE, HI activity with shorter rests) is done already with practice/game itself, and there is no need for it with in speed sessions! You have plenty of it in the practice itself! Agree?

I will search for Al’s literature but if you have something specific in mind please let me know. And for svass article, I already have it, read it couple of times… it is great review paper!
Anyway, thanks asbury… It is great that there is someone that thinks simmilar to me…

wrong thread, sorry

Ok, i got ya. I might still keep some low volume, high quality speed work in just prior to pre-comp. Maybe up until they enter preseason . But, yes i understand you.

I have read one of Al’s book that a co-worker recieved when working with Al. He does a good job breaking down b-ball, as well as many other sports too. I think it was published, but not sure.

Can you give me the title? ISBN? Thanks

ever find the book duxx?

Nope! It is not published as asbury have told me, it is only for his co-workers and al!

I don’t know how I missed this thread so once again something that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!!!


Link to AIS (Austrailian Institute of Sport). I guess info will be somewhere on the site…


I’ve done some of my own “analysis” and my volume seems a little lower than this article. Maybe they meant everything per 48 minutes as opposed to the players average playing time?

To be a little more specific than the article about a few things, here is some of what I’ve recorded in 3 NBA-player-games/a few hundred HI movements worth of data so far:

  • 21% of all sprints are done without a ball and with a quick deceleration, taking an average of 3.6 steps (the step count starts after the “step back” if one is taken)
  • 3.8 steps is the average of all sprint distances
  • 56% of all sprints are without a ball
  • HI defensive sliding is almost nonexistent IMO. (maybe this is evidence to certain superstars’ lack of defense :eek: )

Of course more data is needed but, just to get the ball rolling…