Basic Week

Ok in light of the ESPN3 thread Id like to post what Ive been pondering for my football prep as it is finally getting warm and I have gained a good amount of mass.
Monday-Acc. work, ME weight room

Tuesday-Position Specific work, light(ie. practice engaging, then shedding, with focus on keeping good position, pass rush, etc…) to serve as tempo

Wednesday-LA Training(some kind of acc. training w/ short rests possibly?), DE weight room

Thursday-More general agility work, a recovery day really, just to get the blood flowing

Friday-Possible Max V work…? Rep. work in the weight room, muscle mass is an advantage as a lineman, as well to bring up weak points and unload the CNS

Saturday-Some bodyweight exercises for recovery and to unload the CNS

Sunday-sleep, play poker, and live my life(ie. AP Classes)

Thoughts on the schdule? Is this too general to make any real determinations from? Thanks

many will argue that max speed work is not necessary in football since most plays are 10 y bursts…anyone would like to comment on this? ESPN3 does max speed and I agree…reasons?

I like it. Seems pretty simple and makes sense. You’re a lineman now? What position? I’m guessing DE from the details. You don’t need Max V work if you’re a lineman…rather do more technique work. Technique and strength would be more important I assume.

yes but as max V gets higher doesnt rate of acc.? I have been pondering whether there is an inverse effect? Or is it just that as max V increases so does the length of acc, and not really its magnitude? I think what I have here is good, I’ll be starting this week unless the weather gets crazy cold again, I’ll have to let you know how it all goes, but if youd like more specific let me know(as far as volume, specific exercises, etc…)

working on max speed and acceleration at the same time will improve those 10y bursts faster then focusing on acceleration alone.

I’d be interested in specifics if you feel like typing it out.

Here is what I was told…

Looking at the game of running athletes (special teams and non-lineman) they are acclerating early for a few steps but then are vertical. Hamstring injures with these guys happen during the period an estimated 80%! Sure their speed is not max but mechanically they are running similar!

Monday-Acc. work, ME weight room
1.4-6x30m acc. from 3 pt stance
2.ME Lower-5RM, 3RM
3.Unilateral Lower-2x10
3.Glute Ham Work-2x10

Tuesday-Position Specific work, light(ie. practice engaging, then shedding, with focus on keeping good position, pass rush, etc…) to serve as tempo
1.20-40 drill reps w/ 10-15 sec between
2.ME Upper-5RM, 3RM
3.Tricep Work-2x10
4.Back Work-2x10

Wednesday-More General agility work, a recovery day really, just to get the blood flowing

Thursday-LA training
1.10x10 yard hill w/ 20-30sec rest
2.Power Clean and Jerk-3’s, 2’s
3.Box Squat-5x3, 6x2
4.Speed Pull off box-8x1, 6x1
5.Glute Ham Work

Friday-Rep. work in the weight room, muscle mass is an advantage as a lineman, RFD upper, as well to bring up weak points and unload the CNS
1.2-4xflying 10m
3.Unilateral Upper Body
4.Unilateral Back


Thoughts? Abs are automatically included on each weight room day for 2x10 heavy and higher reps on tuesday, wednesday, and saturday. As well every third week I’ll pick a max effort exercise which I use to gauge my maxes by (ie, wide flat bench, Low Box Squat, Snatch Grip D/L off box, and I’ll use box jumps to gauge my increase in explosiveness vertically, a la the power clean) and all other work except ab work is dropped, this also serves as a deloading week, and I’ll test my 30m sprint times(3 of them)

Not necessarily. I just finished writing a paper on testing in football - a couple of the papers addressed this issue specifically. Seiler et al (1990) timed individuals in the 40 yd. at 5 yards and 40 yards and found a correlation of only 0.64 (low to moderate). I would assume that this would be due to the fact that accel and max v. rely on different physical qualities (someone jump in and correct me if I’m wrong),

However, Crews and Meadows (1978) did the same test but included timing at the fifteen yard interval also. They found a high correlation between 5 and 40 yard times and 15 and 40 yard times.

true, i was thinking max V has more of an effect on length of acc, rather than rate, which is more important in football

I think Max V training certainly has a place in football or any running athlete’s training b/c it helps with speed reserve… see the David Boston thread…JMO