Bad ankle injury

Long story short I totaled my motorcycle 2 weeks ago and badly injured my ankle and slightly strained my calf and knee. I don’t know what happened exactly as it was so fast but my ankle must have got crushed between the road and the bike and suffered an “everted” sprain. I had bad pain along the inside and outside of the ankle.

Right now I can walk fairly normally except for going down stairs. knee and calf are 100%. Range of motion came back surprisingly fast as I attempted to mobilise early. The worst pain has actually shifted from the inside of the ankle to the outside (although the inside is still painful). How should I approach rehabbing this and how long until I can expect to get back running? When should I start massaging it?
I am applying EMS to my legs and back, hitting upper body weights hard and spelling the alphabet with my big toe several times a day. I ask these questions as I have never suffered an “everted” sprain and I understand they are more serious.