Back Problem

I’ve had it checked out and the doctor said its a minor sliped plate in my back but shouldnt affect me but… when ever i run or jump now i cant get anywhere clsoe to what i use to. It seems that my back goes stiff or extremly tense. So i’m confused about whats the problem. I’ve been looking at many different stretchs but was just wondering if anyone else had this problem and could tell me what they did to fix this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Have you gotten an MRI? I would take this seriously, it could possibly get worse.

I would stretch your hip flexors and hamstrings(from a standing position) a lot. Having tight hip flexors and hamstrings can cause bad pelvic tilt and lead to compression of the intervertebral discs.

Thank you for the advice, and yea planning on getting an MRI after the 4th

Let me know what the results are. I’m no doctor, but I do have experience with lumbar disc problems and would like to help any way possible.

I have a double prolapsed disc in my lumbar spine, along with two dehydrated discs, and I experienced symptoms similar to you, where my back would literally lock up, and I couldnt get my hands past my knees. This resulted in my running about 0.1-0.2 slower than I was capable, mostly because I couldnt start very well as it hurt!

Since it has been diagnosed, I have done a lot of specific core work, focusing on been able to control rotational torque, as well as regular spinal manipulations and deep-tissue massage.

Hope that helps!