Back On Business.

Yeh thats me.

Sprinting does help with my physique, sprinters have the best physique’s out of all sports athlete’s. Which in my opinion can cross over into general life…guys like Dwain Chambers, Ato Boldon, Dennis Mitchell, Leonard Scott, Jon Drummond, Maurice Greene…

I don’t really do any weight trainning at the moment, just weighted push ups with perfect push up handles and bent over rows, and some rotator cuff exercises…maybe some biceps aswell.

I’m 5"11/6"0 and i weight 13stone, i think thats 81/82kg. Starting to get quite lean, i’m on my way but i will not be satisfied until ive got a Roy Jones type abs.

The reason why i laid off the modeling was because i was not in 100% condition. Mainly just being lean, muscular wise i look quite developed.

My mum was always on my back to take up offers, but i have deliberately ignored them.

Because i was not in 100% condition. Compared to the average joe, i was just in ok shape.

But Ok is not good enough for me.