B12 shots

Wow, I just did my first B12 injection! So strange I could taste it in my mouth about 1 min after I did it.

The site hurts a tad bit… But over all I feel really good… I feel happy now and just 1 hour ago I was all sad and depressed. AMAZING!!!

I had a doc give me a b complex shot on monday. Shit hurt like a bitch.

Yea, next time I’m going to the high, right, side hind quarters. I got more muscle there and hope to not feel a thing next time. How do you feel afterwords? Did you taste it? Jeez, that was SO strange to me and it’s just scary how connected your body is!!!

I mean, Thank GOD I eat good clean food, because it’s true, you are what you eat as all the nutrients flow throughout your entire body, you just never think of it because you don’t feel it in the way you do when you get a shot. And for gods sake I feel SORRY for all those people who ran and got the swine flu shot with all the freeeken junk in it.

What’s the exact reason vitamin b12 shots hurt alot? I always wondered…

A few seasons ago we used to take b-12 shots 3x per week in the competition phase. The dosage was used was 1cc injected intramuscularly in the deltoid.

Whether or not it helped our recovery/performance I do not know. Perhaps more of a placebo effect than anything. What I will say is we never tasted it after injecting it. I’m curious as to what you tasted…

My non-scientific reason the shot hurt (probably an achy pain for a few hours afterwards) is because wherever you injected it into was a “virgin” muscle (meaning it never took a shot before). If you were to keep doing it it would actually ache much less. Not sure what the real reasoning is behind it though.

What size pin did you use? As long as you are relatively lean and putting it into your deltoid a 30 gauge insulin pin should do the trick with less pain than a 27 gauge.

Anyone know if it acceptable to give B-12 sub-cutanoeous? I hear yes and no…

where did you get the shot? doctor? and what would give them reason to give you a shot?

There is no way you tasted something from a B12 shot unless it wasn’t B12 (or the recipient wasn’t sane).

After taste is quite common according to Charlie especially with high doses.
( In Switzerland it is available in 10K units per cc and in NA it is available in 1K per cc).
For 20 years I have received B 12 shots and never experienced after taste.
Methylcobalamin injectable is preferred for proper absorption. The cost differential is conciderable however the literature is convincing IMO. ( I am by no means an expert but feel my nervous system depends on this supplement and maybe cause I am wired for sound almost 24/7 ie… my needs are high and I utilize it big time? who knows?)
Lidocaine as an additive into the B12 helps with the sting and soreness.

well i took bcomplex which contains all the Bs. Doc told me I only need it once a month. It was free so I said ill get it a shot. I felt pretty good. My next shot ill get the box to tell you the exact name. I took the shot in my right butt cheeck. its not a virgin muscle and the pain really suprised me! Doc said if I had taken it in the arm like i suggested it would have crippled me lol. also didnt taste it. The pain only lasted about 5 mins.

Give me some of that vit B…

GOtta get to fla and see my doc. He is a triathlon athlete so he uses it himself

INCONCEIVABLE! (Sorry, couldn’t help it - Princess Bride.)

Thats cool… lack of self control can be fun depending on the context;)
Hey, sometimes pain works for me too…

I used a fortified B-complex injection that is for animal use. I used a 25 gauge syringe that I bought from rite aid legally.

Trust me, I TASTED it (back of my tongue),and right after I did it I felt I could run a 400! BTW, my leg now is fine but doing some research I am curious as to the muscle tissue damage that occurs when you poke yourself. I don’t want to cause any undue muscle tissue damage.

25 gauge??? ouch!! Why such a thick needle? 27 gauge would be plenty for b-12.
What did it taste like?

lol, that’s all they had… As far as the taste, well I can’t really explain it other then I knew it was the vitamin.

Angela, Didn’t Charlie dissolve some inosine into the B 12? I thought I remember him talking to me about that. I was asking him about the ridging in my nail beds, and he said using B12 might help. Some people (poliquin and others believe that ridging is an indication of potential for artery issue down the line. Anybody have any thoughts?