Aussie unhappy campers

With the amount of pressure on the athletics team members to perform, attending the opening ceremony should be the least of their problems.

It’s imperative the athletes produce something resembling their best ever performances, as the track & field team (read AA) is going to be under the microscope given the success of the swimmers and the AOC’s obsession with medals.

It’s hard to work out what’s going on with all of this stuff about the accommodation at HK. I think there’s a bit of mischief on behalf of the journalist to create a storm in a tea-cup. For what reason I don’t know - maybe to create some juicy copy for negative articles about the athletics team for the next fortnight or so.

I was surprised with the names of some of the coaches selected for accreditation, particularly those who have not exactly produced the goods in recent years. But that will always be the case when its a case of the ‘barking dog gets fed first’.

In respect to pre- Olympic Village criteria I believe one of the 4 x 400m boys failed to run the required time and is unlikely to be there. Disappointing but when he’s struggling to run 46.9 then AA has little choice but to stick to its rules.

Very interesting week ahead…:cool: