Atletiek's Training Journal

GPP1-66 (Speed Endurance)

2 x 1 of 500m with 10 min rest
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-67 (Weights + Tempo)

1 x 5 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Long Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 x 10 of Barbell Squats (Start very light.)
4 x 8 of Barbell Step-up
1 x 5 of Hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 meters
1 x 6 of Bounding - 40m
3 x 10 of Pull-ups (Done with palms facing forward or even facing each other.)
1 x 8 of German Hurdle Jumps
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs with a medicine ball
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
2 x 10 of 100m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-68 (Speed Endurance)

4 x 3 of Hills (20m bound + 20m run + 20m bound) recovery 90s and 8 min between sets
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-69 (Rest)

Rest Day

GPP1-70 (Rest)

Rest Day

GPP1-71 (MaxV)

2 x 4 of 80m Ins and outs (25m accelerate , 15 maxV, 25 relax, 15m maxV)
3 x 40 of Medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort)
1 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles
1 x 6 of Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

GPP1-72 (Weights + Tempo)

5 x 4 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Platform Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
3 x 10 of Barbell Rear Lunges (stand up and step back with one leg to lunge – stay stable).
3 x 10 of Barbell Deadlift (from bent leg position.)
4 x 10 of Barbell Upright Row (stand tall while lifting bar up to under chin)
2 x 8 of Box Jump March
4 x 10 of Barbell Bench press
4 x 10 of Barbell Military Press
1 x 8 of Hurdle Jumps for Speed
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs
1 x 4 of 30s running arms with 1 min rest
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
3 x 4 of 150m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-73 (Speed Endurance)

1 x 5 of 150m at 80% with 10 min rest
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-74 (Weights and Tempo)

1 x 5 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Long Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 x 10 of Barbell Squats (Start very light.)
4 x 8 of Barbell Step-up
1 x 5 of Hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 meters
1 x 6 of Bounding - 40m
3 x 10 of Pull-ups (Done with palms facing forward or even facing each other.)
1 x 8 of German Hurdle Jumps
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs with a medicine ball
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
3 x 8 of 80m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-75 (Speed Endurance)

Hill training over distances of 60m-100m with some alternate leg bounding. The session should total less than 1200m.

4 x 5 of 60m with 40m run and 20m bounded
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-76 (Rest Day)

Rest Day

GPP1-77 (Rest Day)

Rest Day

SPP1-1 (MaxV + hurdles)

1 x 6 of 40m @ 100% with 5 min rest in between.
6 x 6 hurdles of Walking with lead & trail-leg with intermediate step [Hurdle clearance / Lead & trail leg]
6 x 6 hurdles of Walking over hurdles without intermediate step [Hip flexibility / Trail leg]
3 x 5 of Lead Leg Drill #1 MV
2 x 10 of Sprinting 5-Step Workout with 5 minutes rest between sets MV
3 x 5 of Lead Leg Drill #2 Mv
1 x 5 of Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)
5 x 2 of 30m walk barefoot in sand

SPP1-2 (Tempo + Weights A)

3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 x 4 of Barbell Step Ups (on a lower box than before)
3 x 5 of Barbell Bench Press
4 x 6 of Squats to 90 degree leg bend
3 x 8 of Resisted Crunches (focus on upper abs)
2 x 8 of Box Jump March
3 x 8 of Theraband (In all directions)
1 x 8 of Hurdle Jumps for Speed over 6 Hurdles
2 x 10 of 100m from flying start in 18s. (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

Good gpp. I probably would have done some longer hill runs and longer tempo sessions. The 400h is more taxing than the 400. But I am used to working with college athletes,so you are probably correct in keeping the volume down. Your stuff looks good

Thanks for the feedback trk400.