Atletiek's Training Journal

GPP1-47 (Speed Endurance)

1x8 of 20m Hill running with full recovery
1x8 of 20m Hill alternate leg bound with full recovery
1x5 of 30m sled pull
1x2 of 150m @ 90% with 10 min rest

GPP1-48 (Rest Day)

Rest Day - athletes play team sports

GPP1-49 (Tempo)

2 x 10 of 100m from flying start in 18s. 30s rest between each rep wit 5 min between sets.

GPP1-50 (MaxV)

1 x 5 of 80m Ins and outs (25m accelerate , 15 maxV, 25 relax, 15m maxV) with
3 x 40 of Medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort) with
1 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles with
1 x 6 of Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot) with
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

GPP1-51 (Weights + Tempo)

5 x 4 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Platform Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
3 x 10 of Barbell Rear Lunges (stand up and step back with one leg to lunge stay stable).
3 x 10 of Barbell Deadlift (from bent leg position.)
4 x 10 of Barbell Upright Row (stand tall while lifting bar up to under chin)
2 x 8 of Box Jump March
4 x 10 of Barbell Bench press
4 x 10 of Barbell Military Press
1 x 8 of Hurdle Jumps for Speed
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs
1 x 4 of 30s running arms with 1 min rest with
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
4 x 10 of Flying 60m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-52 (Speed Endurance)

1 x 2 of 500m at 80% with 10 min rest
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-53 (Weights + Tempo)

1 x 5 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Long Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 x 10 of Barbell Squats (Start very light.)
4 x 8 of Barbell Step-up
3 x 10 of Pull-ups (Done with palms facing forward or even facing each other.)
1 x 5 of Hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 meters
1 x 6 of Bounding - 40m
1 x 8 of German Hurdle Jumps
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs with a medicine ball
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
3 x 4 of Flying 150m (60s rest between each rep with 10 min between sets.)

GPP1-54 (Speed Endurance)

Hill training over distances of 60m-100m with some alternate leg bounding. The session should total less than 1200m.

4 x 5 of with 60m with 40m run and 20m bounded
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull with
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-55 (Rest Day)

Rest day - athletes play team sports

GPP1-56 (Tempo)

3 x 8 of Flying 80m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-57 (MaxV)

This week we started a bit of serious hurdeling.
We only have three weeks left of the GPP and then the SPP starts, with the focus for the hurdlers and heptathletes mainly on hurdeling technique.

:confused: All the athletes complained of stiff hips afterwards.

1 x 4 of 20m @ 100% with 5 min rest in between
1 x 4 of 20m @ 100% over one hurdle with 5 min rest between reps
3 x 40 of Medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort)
1 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles focussing on lead leg
1 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles focussing on trail leg
2 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles focussing on rhytme
1 x 6 of Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

GPP1-58 (Speed Endurance)

Because of work commitments I’m shuffeling the week around. Today SE, then W+T, Thurs SE and Friday W + T, Saturday Tempo and Sunday rest.

1 x 6 of Flying 150m with 5 min rest
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-59 (Weights + Tempo)

5 x 4 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Platform Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
3 x 10 of Barbell Rear Lunges (stand up and step back with one leg to lunge stay stable).
3 x 10 of Barbell Deadlift (from bent leg position.)
4 x 10 of Barbell Upright Row (stand tall while lifting bar up to under chin)
2 x 8 of Box Jump March
4 x 10 of Barbell Bench press
4 x 10 of Barbell Military Press
1 x 8 of Hurdle Jumps for Speed
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs
1 x 4 of 30s running arms with 1 min rest
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
2 x 10 of 100m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-60 (Speed endurance)

Hill training over distances of 60m-100m with some alternate leg bounding. The session should total less than 1200m.

1 x 8 of 8 x 20m with full recovery
1 x 8 of 8 x 20m alternate leg bound with full recovery
1 x 5 of 30m sled pull
1 x 2 of 150m @ 90%

GPP1-61 (Weights + Tempo)

1 x 5 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Long Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 x 10 of Barbell Squats (Start very light.)
4 x 8 of Barbell Step-up
1 x 5 of Hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 meters
1 x 6 of Bounding - 40m
3 x 10 of Pull-ups (Done with palms facing forward or even facing each other.)
1 x 8 of German Hurdle Jumps
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs with a medicine ball
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
4 x 10 of Flying 60m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-62 (Tempo)

3 x 4 of Flying 150m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

GPP1-63 (Rest Day)

Rest Day

Charlie and others,

My GPP phase is drawing to a close and we will be starting our SPP soon. This program is for my 400m and 400m hurdlers and have been going since March. The athletes are all high school girls and have only now started training at this level.

Could you all please have a look at what I’ve done so far and please give some critical evaluation of the program so far.


GPP1-64 (MaxV)

1 x 6 of 30m @ 100% with 5 min rest in between
3 x 40 of Medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort)
1 x 6 of Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles
1 x 6 of Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)
1 x 1 of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

GPP1-65 (Weights + Tempo)

5 x 4 of Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 x 8 of Platform Depth Jump
3 x 8 of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
3 x 10 of Barbell Rear Lunges (stand up and step back with one leg to lunge – stay stable).
3 x 10 of Barbell Deadlift (from bent leg position.)
4 x 10 of Barbell Upright Row (stand tall while lifting bar up to under chin)
2 x 8 of Box Jump March
4 x 10 of Barbell Bench press
4 x 10 of Barbell Military Press
1 x 8 of Hurdle Jumps for Speed
3 x 20 of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs
1 x 4 of 30s running arms with 1 min rest
2 x 8 of Box Jumps
3 x 8 of Flying 80m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)