Rob Guy named Athletics Canada CEO
Monday, September 27, 2010
OTTAWA – Athletics Canada is pleased to announce today that Rob Guy from Winnipeg, Manitoba has been named to the position of Chief Executive Officer. Rob, currently Managing Director of Athletics Manitoba, will make the move to Ottawa and officially begin in the national office November 1st.
Rob brings more than 20 years of leadership experience in the non-profit and for-profit sectors. He has led large customer based sales and marketing organizations including founding a very successful internet based retail organization. His corporate expertise is well rounded by his involvement in the sport where he is currently Managing Director, and previously, was a board member with Athletics Manitoba. “I look forward to working with all of our partners in further developing athletics across the country. We have a lot of knowledgeable people in our sport, and together, will work at improving all areas of our business.” His connection to the sport traces back to his days as a competitive national level athlete and as a volunteer in road running, cross country and track and field events.
“We are delighted to have Rob join us following an extensive global search,” said Gordon Orlikow, Athletics Canada Chairman of the Board. “Our selection committee had the good fortune to see wide interest in the role consistent with athletics’ leadership position in the Canadian sport community.” Orlikow adds that, “Athletics Canada is counting on Rob’s extensive skill set and experience in the areas of communication and marketing to strengthen existing partner, and foster new relationships.”
Athletics Canada is the national governing body for the sport of track and field, cross country, road running and road racing.