Athens Transport Will Be Ok - Rogge

ATHENS, Nov 27 (AFP) - IOC chief Jacques Rogge saidhere Thursday he had no doubts about the timelycompletion of two Olympics-related transport projects inAthens.
We had concerns with the tramway and our expertsmade a visit and discussed with the builders and theconcerns about the tramway have been resolved. The sameconcerns about the suburban railway have beenresolved,'' the international Olympic Committeepresident said during a press conference after athree-day inspection visit. The timely completion of the suburban railway, whichis to link the Athens airport with the main Olympicstadium, was thrown into doubt last month. We have noted with great pleasure the good progresson the construction of the Calatrava roof over theOlympic stadium and also of course over the velodrome,’‘Rogge added.
IOC officials have said the glass and steel roof ofthe stadium was expendable, expressing fears it couldhamper more vital works on the site.
The roof, a prestige object for the Greek government,has been designed by Spanish architect SantiagoCalatrava. Builders on the roof said in October theyestimated it would be finished by May 2004.
``The general message is that preparations are goingextremely well, but at the same time the same sense ofurgency is needed and no time can be lost,’’ Rogge added.