Athens Olympic "security"

ATHENS, Sept 29 (AFP) - The Greek police chief has promised tight security for the 2004 Olympic Games inAthens with 58,000 personnel involved following criticism in the American press.
The comments of Photis Nassiakos came a day after International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge gave assurance of the best possible'' security arrangements for next year's Games. Rogge was speaking following reports in the United States and Britain questioning the security arrangements in the Greek capital. We have the will and the means to organize the best and the safest ever Olympics,’’ Nassiakos said in an interview published by Greek daily newspaper Eleftherotypia on Monday.
About 45,000 police, 4,000 coastal police, 2,000 firemen and 7,000 soldiers will be on hand, Nassiakos added.
The Washington Post reported on Saturday that the USgovernment was aware of a number of Greek securitylapses including one in which a test agent disguised asa pregnant woman was able to carry a :eek: mock bomb through acheckpoint and another was allowed to plant a fake device :eek: on a ferry.
The report blamed disorganised police forces andbreakdowns in coastal patrols for the security lapses.
Greece have earmarked 644 million euros (736 milliondollars) for security costs at next year’s games.

Don’t want to change the subject to much, but one of the things Athens has to offer for the games is it’s historical perspective. I’ll even be tuning in to the marathon becuase after all, that is where it originated in the first place. They’ll be running from the town called Marathon, to the track in the Oly stadium/Athens and whoever wins that race what with the history and all… wow, I think it’s wonderfull.