Athens Grand Prix Tsiklitiria
Athína, 24-Jun-2003


100 METRES Heat 1 - MEN Wind: +0.0

1 Aliu Deji                        NGR      10.03
2 Macrozonaris Nicolas             CAN      10.17
3 Emedolu Uchenna                  NGR      10.22
4 Campbell Darren                  GBR      10.23
5 Buckland Stéphane                MRI      10.30
6 Pavlakákis Ággelos               GRE      10.44
7 Kóntzos Aléxandros               GRE      10.62

100 METRES Heat 2 - MEN Wind: +0.0

1 Chambers Dwain                   GBR      10.15
2 Zakari Aziz                      GHA      10.26
3 Gavélas Aristotelís              GRE      10.29
4 Asahara Nobuharu                 JPN      10.36
5 Sarrís Panayiótis                GRE      10.37
6 Batangdon Joseph                 CMR      10.53
7 Terzián Aléxandros               GRE      10.58

100 METRES - MEN Wind: +0.0

1 Aliu Deji                        NGR      10.00
2 Chambers Dwain                   GBR      10.03
3 Macrozonaris Nicolas             CAN      10.15
4 Campbell Darren                  GBR      10.16
5 Gavélas Aristotelís              GRE      10.19
6 Emedolu Uchenna                  NGR      10.20
7 Buckland Stéphane                MRI      10.21
8 Zakari Aziz                      GHA      10.97

200 METRES - MEN Wind: +0.0

1 Kenderis Costas                  GRE      20.30
2 Buckland Stéphane                MRI      20.32
3 Aliu Deji                        NGR      20.49
4 Devonish Marlon                  GBR      20.50
5 Sarrís Panayiótis                GRE      20.67
6 Urbas Marcin                     POL      20.73
7 Batangdon Joseph                 CMR      20.84
  Chambers Dwain                   GBR        DNF


1 Borzakovskiy Yuriy               RUS    1:43.97
2 Kimutai Japheth                  KEN    1:44.34
3 Rotich Michael                   KEN    1:44.85
4 Mutua Joseph                     KEN    1:44.95
5 Wachira Nicholas                 KEN    1:44.96
6 Kimwetich Kennedy                KEN    1:45.68
7 Lelei David                      KEN    1:45.89
8 Olmedo Manuel                    ESP    1:46.63
9 Faroúggias Pávlos                GRE    1:47.01

10 Al Salhi Mohamed KSA 1:47.74
Marwa Francis KEN DNF


1 Chirchir Cornelius               KEN    3:32.61
2 Kipchirchir Alex                 KEN    3:32.67
3 Heshko Ivan                      UKR    3:32.73
4 Chirchir William                 KEN    3:32.93
5 Silva Rui                        POR    3:32.97
6 Korir Paul                       KEN    3:33.06
7 Ngeny Noah                       KEN    3:33.96
8 Rono Robert                      KEN    3:34.22
9 Shabunin Vyacheslav              RUS    3:34.71

10 Kipkurui Benjamin KEN 3:35.71
11 Kiplak David KEN 3:37.54
12 Stroubákos Panayiótis GRE 3:37.65
13 Karakatsánis Konstadínos GRE 3:40.87
14 Ikonómou Panayiótis GRE 3:42.44
Kisilu Bernard KEN DNF
Mutai Sammy KEN DNF


1 Cherono Stephen                  KEN    8:05.68
2 Nyamu Julius                     KEN    8:09.45
3 Misoi Kipkirui                   KEN    8:10.22
4 Koech Paul                       KEN    8:15.38
5 Cherono Abraham                  KEN    8:18.40
6 Kemboi Ezekiel                   KEN    8:25.72
7 Boit Kipketer  Wilson            KEN    8:28.07
8 Kiplitany Thomas                 KEN    8:31.85
9 Blanco José Luis                 ESP    8:35.14

10 Kosgei John KEN 8:51.42
11 Koboyiánnis Yéoryios-Vasílios GRE 9:00.23
Kapkory Josephat KEN DNF
Kiptoo Julius KEN DNF
Meroúsis Hristóforos GRE DNS

110 METRES HURDLES - MEN Wind: +0.4

1 Olijars Stanislavs               LAT      13.20
2 Phillips Chris                   USA      13.45
3 Hernández Yoel                   CUB      13.52
4 García Anier                     CUB      13.55
5 Bramlett Ron                     USA      13.58
6 Dorival Dudley                   HAI      13.99
7 Piétris Dimítrios                GRE      13.99
8 Theofanof Alexandros             GRE      14.13


1 Sánchez Felix                    DOM      48.07
2 Weakley Ian                      JAM      48.55
3 Rawlinson Christopher            GBR      48.57
4 Iakovákis Periklís               GRE      49.08
5 Muzik Jirí                       CZE      49.28
6 Gorban Boris                     RUS      49.53
7 Al-Somaily Hadi Soua'an          KSA      49.62
8 Tamesue Dai                      JPN      49.78

1 Phillips Dwight USA 8.44 +1.0
2 Tsátoumas Loúis GRE 8.34 +1.4
3 Stringfellow Savanté USA 8.28 +0.3
4 Lukashevych Olexiy UKR 8.19 +1.3
5 Serélis Dimítrios GRE 8.12 +0.6
6 Méliz Luis Felipe CUB 8.10 +0.9
7 Pedroso Iván CUB 7.98 +0.0
8 Makrinikólas Anastásios GRE 7.90 +1.0
9 Al-Nubi Abdulrahman QAT 7.79 +1.3
10 Streete-Thompson Kareem CAY 7.79 +2.0
11 Fernández Raúl ESP 7.46 +1.4
Papadópoulos Konstadínos GRE DNS


1 Makarov Sergey                   RUS      86.34
2 Zelezný Jan                      CZE      85.47
3 Lusis Voldemars                  LAT      82.68
4 Esenwein Peter                   GER      81.74
5 Kólko Rajmund                    POL      78.59
6 Karasmanákis Elefthérios         GRE      76.91
7 Polimérou Dimítrios              GRE      70.78


100 METRES - WOMEN Wind: +0.0

1 Arron Christine                  FRA      11.09
2 Block Zhanna                     UKR      11.13
3 Gaines Chryste                   USA      11.23
4 Ferguson Debbie                  BAH      11.24
5 Williams Angela                  USA      11.25
6 Pastushenko Olena                UKR      11.46
7 Ojokolo Endurance                NGR      11.49
8 Mayr-Krifka Karin                AUT      11.62


1 Ceplak Jolanda                   SLO    1:57.79
2 Chzhao Larisa                    RUS    1:59.52
3 Aït Hammou Mina                  MAR    1:59.62
4 Cummins Diane                    CAN    2:00.94
5 Benhassi Hasna                   MAR    2:01.08
6 Krevsun Yuliya                   UKR    2:01.48
7 Papadopoúlou María               GRE    2:06.37
8 Koutala Ekaterini                GRE    2:10.77
9 Kirilova Tsvetelina              BUL    2:12.31
  Nwosu Alice                      NGR        DNF


1 Samitova Gulnara                 RUS    9:34.41
2 Inzikuru Docus                   UGA    9:42.76
3 Casandra Cristina                ROM    9:46.30
4 Cucerzan Alina                   ROM    9:54.36
5 Volkova Yekaterina               RUS    9:55.41
6 Proca Alina                      ROM    9:58.00
7 Limika Irene                     KEN    9:58.13
8 Budniak Julia                    POL   10:02.22
  Mândrila Elena                   ROM        DNF
  Sakellari Pagona                 GRE        DNS


1 Glover Sandra                    USA      54.79
2 Febbraio Surita                  RSA      55.15
3 Sialou Androula                  CYP      55.93
4 Harrison Yvonne                  PUR      56.00
5 Tereschuk-Antipova Tetiana       UKR      56.44
6 Goudenoúdi Hrísoula              GRE      57.33
7 Pernía Daimí                     CUB      57.58
8 Hantzí-Neag Hristína             GRE      58.26


1 Feofanova Svetlana               RUS       4.70
2 Isinbayeva Yelena                RUS       4.60
3 Pyrek Monika                     POL       4.60
4 Polnova Tatyana                  RUS       4.60
5 Dragila Stacy                    USA       4.50
5 Hamácková Pavla                  CZE       4.50
7 Belyakova Yelena                 RUS       4.40
7 Buschbaum Yvonne                 GER       4.40
9 Tsiliggíri Yeoryía               GRE       4.40

10 Koleva Tanya BUL 4.30
10 Schwartz Jillian USA 4.30
12 Molnár Krisztina HUN 4.30
13 Iakovídou Thália GRE 4.20
14 Asteríou Adigóni GRE 4.20
14 Fitídou Ánna CYP 4.20

1 Aldama Yamilé CUB 15.00 +0.4
2 Lebedeva Tatyana RUS 15.00 +0.6
3 Martínez Magdelín ITA 14.68 +0.8
4 Pyatykh Anna RUS 14.66 +0.6
5 Hovorova Olena UKR 14.48 +0.6
6 Oleynikova Yelena RUS 14.45 +0.5
7 Devetzí Hrysopiyí GRE 14.25 +0.8
8 Kravets Inessa UKR 14.19 +0.7
9 Vasdéki Ólga GRE 14.07 +0.3
10 Dimitráki Iríni GRE 13.66 +0.3
11 Pérra Athanasía GRE 13.14 +0.8


1 Dietzsch Franka                  GER      65.47
2 Pospíšilová Vera                 CZE      63.38
3 Vóggoli Ekateríni                GRE      63.35
4 Antonova Olena                   UKR      63.01
5 Yatchenko Irina                  BLR      62.75
6 Hill Aretha                      USA      62.37
7 Tsikoúna Stilianí                GRE      61.45
8 Powell Suzanne                   USA      60.19
9 Sadova Natalya                   RUS      58.74

10 Abatzí Aretí GRE 58.61
11 Ivanova Valentina RUS 57.50

was that zhannas first competition of the year?
if so, not a bad start.

Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
was that zhannas first competition of the year?
if so, not a bad start.

Oneof the reports I’ve posted says it was her first race. We’ve been tracking Arron for a while now so it was pleasing to see her deliver in this comeback.

Wasn’t Arron with John Smith for a while?

And now there’s Kellie White who is the form female sprinter globally.

Someone may have to run 10.7 to win in Paris.

Originally posted by kitkat1

[quote]Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
was that zhannas first competition of the year?
if so, not a bad start.

Oneof the reports I’ve posted says it was her first race. We’ve been tracking Arron for a while now so it was pleasing to see her deliver in this comeback.

Wasn’t Arron with John Smith for a while?

And now there’s Kellie White who is the form female sprinter globally.

Someone may have to run 10.7 to win in Paris. [/quote]

Yea Arron was w/ HSI for 2 years I believe I know she was there during the 2000 season.

She’s having a pretty good season as of now.

Paris should be intersting.

Who’s Arron’s coach now?

Kenny Mac~~

Originally posted by Kenny Mac

[quote]Originally posted by kitkat1

[quote]Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
was that zhannas first competition of the year?
if so, not a bad start.

Oneof the reports I’ve posted says it was her first race. We’ve been tracking Arron for a while now so it was pleasing to see her deliver in this comeback.

Wasn’t Arron with John Smith for a while?

And now there’s Kellie White who is the form female sprinter globally.

Someone may have to run 10.7 to win in Paris. [/quote]

Yea Arron was w/ HSI for 2 years I believe I know she was there during the 2000 season.

She’s having a pretty good season as of now.

Paris should be intersting.

Who’s Arron’s coach now?

Kenny Mac~~ [/quote]

I met Arron in early 2000 along with Hurtis and the other Fr relay ladies. They were friendly, and Arron had real personality, some real spark and humour. I hope she does well in Paris. It would be a wonderful outcome after two years off the scene. I think she had an achilles issue when she was with SHI but she may well have brought that with her to LA.

Originally posted by Kenny Mac

[quote]Originally posted by kitkat1

[quote]Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
was that zhannas first competition of the year?
if so, not a bad start.

Oneof the reports I’ve posted says it was her first race. We’ve been tracking Arron for a while now so it was pleasing to see her deliver in this comeback.

Wasn’t Arron with John Smith for a while?

And now there’s Kellie White who is the form female sprinter globally.

Someone may have to run 10.7 to win in Paris. [/quote]

Yea Arron was w/ HSI for 2 years I believe I know she was there during the 2000 season.

She’s having a pretty good season as of now.

Paris should be intersting.

Who’s Arron’s coach now?

Kenny Mac~~ [/quote]

Arron left Jacques Piasenta just after Sydney Olympics. She joined HSI in 2001, and stayed there few mouths, it was a bad experience for her, as she had high ambitions to train with sich a team. Seh was deceived by the lack of individual care by coaches, lack of medical care too, and too hard training which made unable her to recover from injuries and to compete with enough recovery from training. After Baby pause, she joined Guy Ontanon in late 2002, he also coaches Muriel Hurtis and Sylviane Félix.
She will soon reach 10.90, as her 2 last race were a sub11sec standard (assuming head wind -1.3 in Florence and very bad starter official in Trikala who caused her and some other a surprise at the start).