Anyone here not do weights at all?

400m workouts alot of 400 reps, speed training you know the basics of sprint training, it just seems he has it.

time to increase your work capacity then :slight_smile:

you don’t have to do the same stuff and volume every week, it can fluctuate around so you can fit everything in,when you need it

the positive thing in your case is that you’ve found obviously what suits you and that’s very effective!

overall, i believe that as a “system” you have a certain amount of energy that you can afford to spend in the week, from which everything else depends (e.g., quality of track session, weights, your recovery, etc); now as you say, if due to experience with weights you can push your self to the extent that an effective weights session impairs track sessions quality, you have to practise otherwise; otherwise, take up powerlifting… but your low volumes, i suppose, help you and the age factor may play a significant role, as recovery in “younger” ages takes less time no matter what they eat, what they do :mad: (well…)

and i suppose in your case, circuits and similar sessions, which keep you fit, but don’t tax you to the same extent, leaving you room for the track, work best for you

do you feel this way on track?

or at least when a hard session has been performed in weights, at least you know what to expect on the track…


I find if I stop lifting heavy and concentrate on running I recover well enough to do 3 good sessions a week with tempo/circuits or poolwork in between

If I add heavy weights (especially deads/squats) even two sessions a week on the track become very difficult and I basically feel like crap.

I lose explosiveness, feel heavy and not reactive at all.

If I do only weights and no running I have extremely high work capacity in the weight room. (I could easily train 4-5 times a week heavy using Oly’s, deads, squats, pushpress etc)

I think if I want to run track weights will have to go into a very low volume maintenance mode.

I think it might be different if I wasn’t working 55-65 hours a week and getting an average of 6 hours sleep a night :slight_smile:

Here are my current strength stats (some are PBs from months ago)

Bodyweight ~193-195
Squat (340 buried no belt or wraps)
Deadlift (495 with straps)
Bench (265)

Strength levels seem adequate to me for a non-competitive sprinter. Now I need to get the sprint times where they need to be :slight_smile:


i can see what you are saying and i agree!

the biggest “problem” that apply in your case, i would say is the things that you have to do outside training… I am pretty sure you feel it!

whatever allows your track times to further improve; if maintenance is the answer, so be it, why not!

it’s just that “from part-time athletes, you have part-time results” true… :frowning:

That is definitely true! :slight_smile:

I am training a couple times a week with an ex 47 second 400m guy who is now training for masters. He is in great shape and it is really doing me a lot of good training with him.

I’ll keep everyone posted on how things go.

Primary goal is to not get injured, secondary goal is to stay in good shape and run decent times :slight_smile:


good priorities for a come back!

all the best!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know how things go. So far so good. (No injuries yet knock on wood!)