analyse this

Analyse this then… :cool:

??? I searched Google and that’s what came up. If it’s a violation I’ll gladly delete it, or Admins can.

Impressive. His legs look average though…

The torn pec was worth it for this photo.

Do you know if Peter T had any input

country 2007

Please do not post links to pirated copyright material. The surest way to stop the continued flow of information is to steal what’s already there.

Agreed but is there any way to purchase this material?

Thank you, some people don’t want to listen.

the size of tysons glutes and hamstrings they look massive relative to the rest of his body…If it looks right, it flies right.

Second photo, right arm, palm down turns off stabilising muscles and helps load the power. Someone researched Mohammed Ali. Left arm the thumb if falling in too far. He looks to me to be falling behind his speed, similar to sliding back in a saddle riding a fast horse.

He is better than anyone I have coached I am only saying what I see.

And if you have any sense you won’t leave anything laying around.

Another reddie and “Don’t bring our forum down”

I don’t understand

Jeter, also Thessaloniki WAF 2009

Who is the bloke on the left.