analyse this

to kitkat:
it seemed like some straight leg run or bounds(to me) for maybe 10m->into 30m stride something like that. But maybe i was too fried :o to tell the difference between bounding and accel mechanic. If not this wouldn’t be too different from the HSI type desired effect. The 20m drill(Askip,Bskip,Arun) ->into 20m accel/stride whatever what have you

another little cagey one that hard to break down on video, that can’t figure who thought of this drill, is the falling start combined with single skip off into accel/stride . It seem to put them into accel like angles and lines of a 3 point start without actually going into 3 point position. I’d imagine it faster too since they already falling forward and legs moving. It seems easier and more smooth and relaxed watching bolt do it compared to his training buddy(forsythe 10.2X-10.3X?), who seems some 1/2 foot shorter, but to be fair he mere mortal training in the shadow of the nasty nephilite

the video i’m talking of is at above here but it no longer works. If u could find this video it at 1:04 mark.

Draw a picture or do a verbal

Almost all these drills started with Gerrard Mach. That’s where I got most of them and JS got them from me when he was here in 1980/81.
There were many of GM’s drills that I didn’t use as I didn’t see the need for more than I was already doing.

According to PJ, that’s about what Bolt does for a warm-up at the big meets.

If I find something different/more specific, I’ll sure post it. But I wonder, if this is something typical for Bolt as Charlie says via PJ, why the ‘specific’ instructions by Mills? Not doubting, just asking…

I agree, it seems like Pfaff does a shit load of drills up to 12-13 over 40m

Thanks everyone. It’s great to get intelligent feedback.
You can see Bolt being quite deliberate in the way he pushes down/back on some of his steps early in the runs, but I guess I wouldn’t think of that as a drill, although perhaps I should.

I agree with CF that we should use drills that suit our aims or needs. I was chatting with a very good coach last weekend about drills. He uses a few and his athletes do them at miraculous speed. I had my own athletes do a handful of drills (none of Mach’s As or Bs), but ones which I felt put the athletes into positions I wanted them in. I also wanted the warmup to be relaxed and not induce undue tension (not that Mach drills aren’t done in a comfortable, easy way). The only thing I was ever interested in was the quality of contact which entailed the position of the whole body at the moment/point of contact. This pretty much entailed achieving Triple Extension or close to it at the moment of contact and maintaining T/E and a straight line of force through lift-off. And all of it was done with the minimum of tightness (for want of a better word). There was of course tension/stiffness through the core and the supporting limbs, but not up in the neck/shoulders/arms during the drills.

The position was paramount, speed could come later in the training session through cranking up the rhythm, in my opinion.

But there seemed some doubt from this coach and many others that you could produce a world class result unless your athlete could perform the drills at world-class speed.

Maybe my way of doing things works fine for 400m runners, but not for 100m sprinters.

It would be interesting to know what Bolt does in the way of any drills for motor patterning, or whether what we saw on the video posted by Niko is the whole story.

Have you considered he may use the same drills as the MVP group?

The point of drills is perfection through separation into parts. trying to ddo them at great speed defeats the purpose most of the time because they become tight, technically poor, with shortened ROM. In short, everything you started doing the drills to overcome in the first place.

thanks, yes gerrard mach has alot of valuable material and paths for athletes and coaches. i had his pdf download but old comp crashed cant remember where that download was on the net.

Analyse this then… :cool:

??? I searched Google and that’s what came up. If it’s a violation I’ll gladly delete it, or Admins can.

Impressive. His legs look average though…

The torn pec was worth it for this photo.

Do you know if Peter T had any input

country 2007

Please do not post links to pirated copyright material. The surest way to stop the continued flow of information is to steal what’s already there.

Agreed but is there any way to purchase this material?