Mike Caviston Running guide review:
I like this model. 1 interval session, 1 CHI and 1 LSD would be very close to my model. For a pure runner I would push this up to 5 runs per week with the extras
being at LSD or a little bit quicker. But you have all the added stimulus of swimming and cals. Unlike your previous coach I would not drop these and my
triathlon friends all find they retain decent running times. And non impact cross training is considered to help injury prevention.
His LSD distances are a bit short but not too bad.
His CHI model is very similar to my proposed tempo run. I used a longer single distance to be more relevant to racing 5m to 10miles.
His intervals over 400m are very relevant to a good 1.5M time. I extrapolated to longer intervals (800,1000, 1m) to suit my race distances. I would add in a few
sessions of the longer distances to build confidence and pace judgement.
P18 Summary:
LSD : “Exceptionally fit 40-90 minutes”. Aim to “Build up to 5 or 6 miles”. This seems slightly low volume to me, I would consider very fit to be 80mins plus
and would aim to build to at least 10 miles.
CHI : “15 - 20 mins” for 2-3 efforts. This seems pretty tough to me and significantly harder than the LSD model.
It could be executed as a single 30-40 mins if you need a fast 10k-10m time. But 15-20 mins would be good for a 4m fast run.
Intervals : This table looks about right to me in the way it extrapolates to 400m times. He also uses my model of running the 400m efforts at a slightly faster
pace than the current 1.5M rate. Eg 1.5m in 10.30 is modelled by a 1.41 400m effort. He also proposes periodic use of shorter efforts (200m) to step
up the pace.
This includes more quality on a weekly basis than your prior schedule. It also pushes you to beneficial overload by increasing LSD distances.
By increasing the volume of CHI. And improving interval paces by a mix of increasing reps and then injecting more pace with shorter 200m intervals.
It is also pretty simple to remember/plan.
I will guinea pig the interval model - I ran a 10min 30 on the treadmill today after reading this so will see how the 400m efforts of around 1.41 feel.
My wife`s review - was, as always “do something more useful like gardening or household improvements”