Am I eating to little?

VG ,You soccer-guys sure are heavy :stuck_out_tongue:

Too much bread in the evening perhaps? I lost weight when I substituted bread for fruit in the evening.

ESPN3 ,Thanks for the suggestions. You seem to eat lots of food I dont particulary like. I’m very particular about food but try too break out of my old routine by slowly introducing fish at dinner.

X-man ,what you posted are close to what I have decided to do as a start(except the tea ofcourse…) ,but why the vitamins post-workout and not in the morning?

Thor I presume you’ve looked at the 'nightmare diet ’ thread - if not its the best indication of where to be heading .

I’m 6ft 75kg apprx 10% BF ( 2 weeks off did that lol ) and will build weight again now until SE is reintroduced - this seems to happen with me .
Here’s my template -

8.30 - 20g whey protein , 10g cottage cheese , 1 banana , 1 other fruit , fistful of mixed nuts , two cups weak black tea , 1 pint of water

10.30 - 1 Pint of water

11.30 - fresh natural vegatable soup , desertspoon flax oil , 30g tuna , mixed salad or veg , 1 apple

12.30 - 1 Pint of water

1.30 - 30g whey protein , desertspoon flax oil or nuts

3.30 - 15 - 20g cottage cheese , 1 Pint of water

4.30 - 5g creatine - Train - water during track / 10g whey post track - 1 pint of GPush or Isostar for weights

7.00 - Post workout - 30g whey - 2 desertspoons honey - 5g creatine
1 Pint of water

7.30 - fresh natural vegatable soup , desertspoon flax oil , 30g tuna , mixed salad or veg

8.30 - 1 Pint of water

9.00 - 9.30 - Chicken breast & cheese / nuts or 30g whey

11- 11.30 ZMA

12- 12.30 - 1 omega egg , 10- 15g cottage cheese , 10g whey - Bed

I’m not sure if mixing protein sources is a good idea but hopefully they digest at different rates . Cottage cheese with pinapple from sainsbury’s is really addictive .

I quite like being so light now tho - also it’s cheaper lol when I was 90kg and trying to train a few years back eating became a full time occupation and seemed to take up energy in itself

Good post Gloop.
Gloop why 10gms of Creatine a day?
Is it for loading?
Is 5gms enough to maintain? - Would the 5gms post exercise not be enough and absorbed best also?
Ever considering using the the Heinz Casein as a slow protein source during the day?

Do you use the Isotar during weights or after?
If you use it during do you not find sugar highs and dips affecting performance?

lol soz ur right -
I’m not having 10g a day (dopey git lol) - I’m having half a teaspoon b4 half after 5g in total -
Charlie recomended this on the old forum - it seems loading is what creates cramps ( and adds to expense / time in the lav etc lol )

5g works fine with no cramps and because sprinters arn’t looking for the same cell volumisation as bodybuilders for instance higher doses are detrimental and increase the risk of injury .

The whole session feels easier since I started with creatine again . I am also cycling it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off to avoid body adaption - this was also in the thread . Dosage should also be reduced to 2-3 g in comp phase & stopped 2 days b4 competition - I did this during the summer too .
I might completely cut it out during indoor comp phase this season because its benefits seem restricted to building strength and SE - and any extra weight it might cause is obviously a disadvantage .

I haven’t seen the heinz product - is it in any UK store ? tinned I guess -what section ?


I think Richard even posted 3grms was sufficient for maintainance.

It’s a powdered casein 100% protein product.
I mix it with my whey in a 50:50 20grms of protein mix for my (4) protein throughout the day.

I’m certain it’s a Heinz product, but it is a supermarket product - I will see if I can get a link to the description somewhere.

Casilan 90

That’s the product - Heinz make it.
It is 100% caesin.
250gms for I’d say it must cost about £5-6 sterling over with you guys.

A cardboard box but with a foil pouch inside.

Picture of cover

What do people think of this for whey-protein :

mg pr. grams.

Alanine: 42
Arginine: 21
Aspartic acid: 70
Cysteine: 34
Glycine: 57
Glutamine: 185
Histidine: 18
Isoleucine: 60 BCAA*
Leucine: 109 BCAA*
Lysine: 102*
Metionine: 36*
Phenylalanine: 36*
Proline: 36
Serine: 79
Threonine: 79*
Tryptophan: 22*
Valine: 54 BCAA*

Gloop you take in more protein than I do! (I think) :slight_smile:

I have decided to make a few changes after looking at the godawful amount of food I eat in the day :slight_smile:

7:00am - Breakfast 4-6 egg whites, toast

10:00am - Orange/Rice Cake

11:45am - Turkey on Bagel, bannana chocolate milk :slight_smile:

2:00pm - Another bannana (going to sub in unsalted nuts or something similar here)

4:30pm - Whey protein (30 Grams) before workout

5:30pm - Workout with (30 Grams) immediately afterwards

In the average weight athlete 3g creatine daily for 4 weeks will actually result the same level of muscle creatine as when using 20g for 5 days, therefore probably about 2g would be enough to maintain.

Thor usually i would have my MV in the morning with my shake but sometimes i forget.instead i have found it better to have my MV and vit c straight after my session along with my post workout recovery can soak up more after a session as the window of opportunity lasts only a certain period.

also the reason why i take green tea alot is its cleansing abilities plus other reasons.great stuff